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ATTACHMENT A <br />FACTUAL HISTORY OF SITE DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL SD-75-44 <br />Site development approval SD-75-44 concerns the St. Moritz apartments, a 149 unit <br />apartment complex located at 14744 Washington Avenue in RM-1800. Washington Avenue is a <br />heavily trafficked thoroughfare. Harold Avenue is primarily a residential street, having single <br />family and multiple residential units. The Care West Washington Manor convalescent facility, <br />however, runs between Washington and Harold and has a parking lot on Harold Avenue frontage <br />next to the complex. <br />At the time of the complex construction in 1963, there was no access onto Harold <br />Avenue. On October 8, 1975, John Sullivan, the owner of the apartment complex applied to the <br />Site Development Sub -Commission for approval to open a vehicular access onto Harold Avenue. <br />In his application, Mr. Sullivan indicated he wanted the Harold Avenue access because of the <br />dangers associated with exiting the complex only via Washington Avenue. The Sub - <br />Commission granted the application on October 30, 1975. <br />Following the installation of the exit onto Harold, the City Council received complaints <br />from the neighborhood regarding traffic impacts and other problems on Harold Avenue. At its' <br />meeting of April 4, 1977, the City Council referred the matter to the Site Development Sub - <br />Commission for a public meeting regarding traffic circulation and non-compliance with <br />conditions of the approval. The Sub -Commission considered the matter at a meeting on May 19, <br />1977, and referred the matter to the Planing Commission because of the extensive public interest. <br />G:ITOANN\SMORnZ\RES FR4W. CC <br />