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Exhibit A <br />page 2 of 8 <br />There are four (4) components of the San Leandro Bicycle and Pedestrian <br />Safety Program: <br />1. School Workshops <br />Safe Moves will conduct workshops at thirteen (13) school sites. Each <br />workshop, will be specifically targeted to each grade level (kindergarten <br />through the 5th grade) in order to meet the transportation safety needs of <br />each age group. <br />The school workshops will include an exhibit that consists of traffic signs, <br />signals, cars, various bicycle models, helmets, maps of suggested safe routes to <br />school and displays that represent the most dangerous traffic situations for <br />students. Appropriate safety materials will be distributed to teachers and <br />students. <br />Students are involved with the educational process by participating in the <br />demonstrations wearing traffic sign costumes to depict traffic situations facing <br />them as bicyclists and pedestrians. <br />The lesson plans have been designed to accommodate the abilities, cognitive <br />learning skills and the comprehension of each grade level. In addition to <br />traffic safety education, the lesson plans are designed to increase the use of <br />alternative modes of transportation among students in order to decrease <br />traffic congestion in and around school sites; therefore making a safer school <br />environment for students. <br />The following outlines the information taught in the school workshops. <br />Bicycle Education <br />• Helmet use (fit and maintenance) <br />• Choosing the right bike <br />• Proper bicycling clothing <br />• Recognition and avoidance of common bicycle collisions <br />• Bicycle maintenance and repair <br />• Rules, regulations and ordinances that govern bicyclists <br />• Bicycle registration <br />• Using safe bike routes to and from school <br />• Consequences of unsafe bicycle use <br />• Use of bicycle facilities provided by the City of San Leandro <br />Page 2 of 8 <br />