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04=ALA 0-SLN <br />06/30/1998 <br />SB98-5041(001) <br />SPECIAL COVENANTS OR REMARKS <br />1. It is mutually understood between the parties that this contract <br />may have been written before ascertaining the availability of <br />legislative appropriation of funds, for the mutual benefit of <br />both parties, in order to avoid program and fiscal delays that <br />would occur if the agreement were executed after that <br />determination was made. <br />The total amount of State -Local Transportation Partnership funds <br />payable by the State shall not exceed the sum of the "State Share <br />Funds" column on page 1 of this Program Supplement. The funds to <br />be encumbered and reimbursed are according to the schedule shown <br />under the aforementioned column. <br />Any increase in State Partnership funds will require a revised <br />program supplement. <br />Any decrease in State Partnership funds will require a revised <br />finance letter. <br />2. SPECIAL COVENANTS FOR SLTPP PROJECTS UNDER EARLY <br />REIMBURSEMENT PLAN AND UNDER $300,000 STATE SHARE <br />These Covenants supersede any conflicting provisions of the <br />Master Agreement: <br />A. The LOCAL ENTITY agrees that the payment of "State <br />ShareFunds" will be limited to the lesser of the product of <br />multiplying the calculated pro rata percentage as determined by <br />the STATE by either: <br />(a) The eligible award amount or <br />(b) The total eligible State/Local Partnership Project <br />cost in the approved State/Local Partnership Program <br />Application and accepts any consequent increase in <br />LOCAL ENTITY funding requirements. <br />B. The LOCAL ENTITY will invoice the State for the full "State's <br />Share" after the contract award or upon the State Budget Act <br />appropriation of funds, whichever occurs later. "State's Share" <br />is considered a grant and will be reimbursed as a lump sum <br />payment regardless of final project cost. <br />Program Supplement SLTPP-5041-002- Page 2 of 3 <br />