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12. Applicant shall plant "insectary" plants in the landscaping to attract and keep <br />beneficial insects. <br />13. Storage areas containing non -hazardous liquids shall be covered by a roof and <br />drain to the sanitary sewer system, and be contained by berms, dikes, liners, <br />vaults or similar spill containment devices <br />G. During construction, the following high standards for sanitation are required: <br />Garbage cans, construction dumpsters, and debris piles shall be removed on a <br />minimum weekly basis. All food related trash items such as wrappers, cans, bottles, <br />and food scraps shall be disposed of in closed containers only and shall be regularly <br />removed from the site. The improvement shall construct stabilized gravel entrance <br />per City Standard Detail Dwg No. 606. Inspections, conducted as part of the regular <br />construction compliance, will be conducted to ensure compliance of the Applicant <br />and contractors with this requirement. <br />H. The applicant shall obtain an Encroachment Permit from the Engineering and <br />Transportation Department for any work within public right-of-way. Contractors <br />must be properly licensed, have a valid Business License, and submit proof of <br />insurance. Applicable fees/deposits must be paid. <br />I. The City's traffic impact fee program is called "Development Fee for Street <br />Improvements" (DFSI). According to the adopted 2020-21 Fee Schedule, the rate <br />for General Residential is $1,532.64 per unit, the DFSI fee will be assessed for the <br />proposed unit in the amount of $1,532.64 which is not vested until issuance of the <br />Building Permit. This fee is subject to change each fiscal year. <br />J. A Park Facilities Development Impact Fee shall be assessed assuming 1 single- <br />family dwelling unit (du) as listed below. Please note that this is an estimated <br />amount. This fee is not vested until issuance of the building permit and is subject <br />to change each fiscal year. <br />Park Land Acquisition Fee: $17,301.00/du or $17,301.00 <br />Park Improvement Fee: $2,730.00/du or $2 730.00 <br />Total Park Impact Fee: $20,031.00/du or $20,301.00 <br />V. GENERAL CONDITIONS <br />A. All structures shall be structurally sound and well maintained at all times; any <br />damage to the structures shall be promptly repaired. <br />B. Any graffiti on the property shall be promptly removed. <br />C. Construction activity shall not commence prior to 7:00 a.m. and shall cease by 7:00 <br />p.m. Monday through Friday, and construction activity shall not commence prior <br />to 8:00 a.m. and shall cease by 7:00 p.m. on Sunday and Saturday. No such <br />construction is permitted on Federal holidays. As provided in the City of San <br />Leandro's Noise Ordinance (ORDINANCE NO. 2003-005), "construction" shall <br />Agreement to Conditions September 15, 2020 <br />PLN19-0079 Page 7 of 8 <br />