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Reso 2022-127 A - Resolution of Intention to establish CFD No. 2022-1 and authorize the levy of a special tax within CFD No. 2022-1
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2022-127 A - Resolution of Intention to establish CFD No. 2022-1 and authorize the levy of a special tax within CFD No. 2022-1
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12/21/2023 11:30:21 AM
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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(b) to pay for Services; and <br />(c) to repay funds advanced by the City for the CFD, including the repayment <br />under any agreement (which will not constitute a debt or liability of the City) of advances <br />of funds or reimbursement for the lesser of the value or cost of work in -kind provided by <br />any person for the CFD and any administrative costs paid by the City related to the CFD. <br />SECTION 9. The City Council, acting as the legislative body for the CFD, intends to <br />cause bonds of the City to be issued for the CFD in accordance with the Act to finance or refinance <br />in whole or in part the construction and acquisition of the Facilities. The bonds or other debt will <br />be issued in such series, will bear interest payable semi-annually (or in any other manner as the <br />City Council determines) at a rate not to exceed the maximum rate of interest authorized by <br />applicable law at the time of sale of the bonds or other debt, and must mature not later than 40 <br />years after the date of issuance. <br />SECTION 10. When a Notice of Special Tax Lien is recorded under Streets and <br />Highways Code section 3114.5 for the CFD, a continuing lien to secure the levy of the Special <br />Tax will attach to all non-exempt real property in the CFD, and this lien will continue in force and <br />effect until the special -tax obligation is permanently satisfied and the lien is cancelled in <br />accordance with law, or until the City ceases levying the Special Tax. <br />SECTION 11. The City Council intends that the proposed Special Tax will be <br />collected through the regular secured property -tax bills of the County of Alameda and will be <br />subject to the same enforcement mechanism, and the same penalties and interest for late payment, <br />as regular ad valorem property taxes. But the City Council reserves the right to use any other lawful <br />means of billing, collecting, and enforcing the Special Tax, including direct billing, supplemental <br />billing, and, when lawfully available, judicial foreclosure of the special -tax lien, including <br />accelerated foreclosure remedies set forth in the Act. <br />SECTION 12. The RMA, included as Exhibit D, provides that the Special Tax may <br />not be prepaid. As required by the Act, with respect to the portion of the Special Tax used for <br />Facilities that is levied against any parcel used for private residential purposes (which use begins <br />no later than the date on which an occupancy permit for private residential use is issued) — <br />(a) the maximum Special Tax will be specified as a dollar amount that (1) will <br />be calculated and thereby established no later than the date on which the parcel is first <br />subject to the Special Tax because of its use for private residential purposes and (2) will <br />not increase by more than two percent each year; <br />(b) the Special Tax will not be levied against such property for Facilities <br />beyond 100 years from the initial levy of the Special Tax (but the Special Tax lawfully <br />levied in or before that year and that remains delinquent may be collected in subsequent <br />years); and <br />RESOLUTION 2022-127 3 <br />
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