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Reso 2022-127 A - Resolution of Intention to establish CFD No. 2022-1 and authorize the levy of a special tax within CFD No. 2022-1
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2022-127 A - Resolution of Intention to establish CFD No. 2022-1 and authorize the levy of a special tax within CFD No. 2022-1
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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SECTION 18. The public hearing may be continued from time to time but must be <br />completed within 30 days, except that if the City Council finds that the complexity of the CFD or <br />the need for public participation requires additional time, then the public hearing may be continued <br />from time to time for a period not to exceed six months. <br />SECTION 19. At the end of the public hearing, the City Council may abandon these <br />proceedings or may, after passing upon all protests, determine to proceed with establishing the <br />CFD and identifying the extent of the CFD. If the City Council determines at the end of the public <br />hearing to proceed with establishing the CFD, then it expects that the proposed voting procedure <br />will be by landowners within the CFD voting in accordance with the Act, as the City Council is <br />informed that during the 90 days before the date set for the hearing there have been times when <br />there were fewer than 12 registered voters residing within the CFD. The City Council will require <br />this information to be confirmed before ordering the election. <br />SECTION 20. The Economic Development Manager (the "Manager") or their <br />designee is hereby directed to study the CFD and, at or before the time of the public hearing, to <br />cause to be prepared and filed with the City Council a report briefly describing by type the facilities <br />and services that, in the Manager's opinion, will be required to adequately meet the needs of the <br />CFD, together with estimates of the cost of financing the acquisition and construction of the <br />Facilities and providing the Services, and an estimate of the incidental expenses related thereto. <br />The report will be available for inspection by the public and will be made a part of the record of <br />the public hearing. The Manager may retain consultants to prepare the report. <br />SECTION 21. In the opinion of the City Council, the public interest will not be <br />served by allowing the property owners in the CFD to enter into a contract under Government <br />Code section 53329.5, subdivision (a), to do the work to be financed under the Act. <br />Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City Council, on behalf of CFD, may enter into one or more <br />contracts directly with any of the property owners with respect to the construction or acquisition <br />of all or any portion of the Facilities. <br />SECTION 22. The City Council intends to reserve to itself the right and authority <br />to allow bond tenders from any interested landowner within the CFD to be accepted under <br />Government Code sections 53344.1 and 53356.8 in full or part payment of any installment of the <br />Special Tax or the interest or penalties thereon, as applicable. <br />SECTION 23. The Clerk shall give notice of the time and place of the public <br />hearing by publishing once in the East Bay Daily Review, a newspaper of general circulation <br />published in the area of the CFD, a notice of public hearing in the form required by the Act <br />(publication to be complete at least seven days before the date set for the public hearing). <br />SECTION 24. This resolution takes effect when adopted. <br />RESOLUTION 2022-127 5 <br />
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