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EXHIBIT A TO RESOLUTION NO.2002 -125 <br />FINDINGS AND DETERMINATION THAT.CHANGES <br />OR MODIFICATIONS TO THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, <br />AND THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE, 2001 EDITION, <br />PERTAINING TO REINFORCING AND SEISMIC ANCHORAGE <br />ARE REASONABLY NECESSARY BECAUSE OF LOCAL CONDITIONS <br />1. In connection with the adoption by reference of the Uniform Building Code, 1997 <br />Edition, as amended by the State of California in that document entitled "The California Building <br />Standards Code," it is hereby expressly found and determined that the following change is <br />reasonably necessary because of local climatic, geological or topographical conditions: <br />Every masonry or concrete chimney shall be designed and every damaged <br />chimney shall be repaired or reconstructed so as to resist the horizontal forces <br />specified in the UBC. In addition to the inspections required by Section 108, the <br />owner shall employ a special inspector who shall provide inspection during <br />construction. Additionally, damaged chimneys shall be removed according to <br />specified standards. Repair criteria for structural and non-structural elements of <br />all buildings and structures damaged by the occurrence of a declared natural <br />disaster shall be determined in accordance with specified "damage ratio" <br />formulae, rather than simply allowing repair to previous structurally deficient <br />condition. <br />2. The aforesaid local amendment is reasonably necessary in order to lessen the <br />threat to life, safety and property represented by certain local climatic, geographical and <br />topographical conditions existing in the City of San Leandro. <br />3. The aforesaid local amendment is enacted pursuant to the authority of Section <br />17958.5 of the California Health and Safety Code, for the purpose of addressing the aforesaid <br />conditions which are more specifically described as follows: <br />(a) The City of San Leandro lies in the near vicinity of the Hayward Fault and <br />in fact, a substantial portion of the residential area of the City lies within <br />the Alquist-Priolo Act Special Studies Zone, requiring special geologic <br />studies prior to development. The underlying soils are subject to <br />liquefaction and amplification of seismic energy. This increases the <br />likelihood of seismic disturbances of substantial magnitude occurring and <br />causing consequent damage. Such damage is often accompanied by <br />structural fire. The City contains a large percentage of existing structures <br />constructed more than forty years ago. <br />(b) The travel time to a fire or other emergency within San Leandro may be <br />1 <br />