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Reso 2002-131 to 135
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2002-131 to 135
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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T <br />ACTIA 2002-26.01 <br />(16) To require that the construction contractor furnish both a payment and performance bond, <br />with both bonds complying with the requirements set forth in Section 3-1.02 of Caltrans' July <br />1999 Standard Specifications (or more current version). <br />(17) To require that professional services consultants, construction contractors and any other <br />contractor or subcontractors name ACTIA, its officers, employees and consultants (and Caltrans, <br />BART and/or others if involved) as additional insured on all appropriate insurance required by <br />SPONSOR for ACTIA funded PHASES of PROJECTS. <br />(18) To cooperate with Caltrans, BART or other agencies, when required, to manage <br />construction of PROJECTS. SPONSOR may manage the construction of PROJECTS with its <br />own staff, may elect to contract for professional services, or perform the work in cooperation <br />with Caltrans or other agency, or any combination thereof. <br />(19) To arrange for right-of-way engineering, appraisal, acquisition, clearance, and <br />certification. If right-of-way work is performed by others, a copy of the Agreement for right-of- <br />way work will be submitted to ACTIA prior to approval by SPONSOR. On Caltrans facilities, <br />right-of-way services will be performed under the direction of an agency or agent certified by <br />Caltrans. <br />(20) To develop a detailed schedule for all PHASES of the PROJECTS as outlined in <br />EXHIBIT `B", "Project Schedule", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. <br />Schedule shall be reviewed and approved by ACTIA and shall be incorporated into a SPECIFIC <br />AGREEMENT prior to any reimbursement of costs. <br />(21) Except as provided in Section I.22 or a SPECIFIC AGREEMENT, that on PROJECTS <br />where SPONSOR hires a consultant to administer a PHASE of the work funded by ACTIA, <br />SPONSOR will provide ACTIA with monthly Progress Reports by PHASE for all PROJECTS, <br />by the last day of each calendar month following the month in which the work was performed. <br />These reports shall describe the current status of the PROJECTS, actions and eligible costs <br />expended or incurred during the previous month, actions expected to be taken during the next <br />month, an updated schedule with estimated completion, scope changes, project -related issues, <br />Page 7 <br />
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