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Shoreline CAC <br />January 21, 2009 <br />Meeting Highlights <br />Page 12 <br />projects were unable to obtain financing due to the economy. He also summarized <br />various market studies that the City had contracted and the valuable lessons <br />learned. First, it was determined in the early 2000's that the market area could <br />support a 200-room, full -service, conference -style destination hotel, preferably on <br />the former Blue Dolphin site. Additionally, developers and investors were interested <br />in developing the entire area, as opposed to developing the area site by site. <br />Discussion ensued regarding the following: <br />• Did the past feasibility studies include comments or recommendations on the <br />condition of Marina Boulevard? The Marina Boulevard corridor along the <br />industrial areas has been described by investors as needing improvements <br />to enhance the drive to the shoreline area. <br />• Was a cost benefit analysis done? A rudimentary cost benefit study had <br />been performed without being too complicated and having specific figures. <br />• Was a Redevelopment Plan ever considered for the Shoreline Area? The <br />shoreline area is not in a Redevelopment Area because it would have been <br />difficult to make required blight findings in the 1990's when adding the area <br />was considered. Although the vacant boat slips and Blue Dolphin pillars <br />constitute blight, the conditions do not meet current State blight <br />requirements. <br />• Why are hotel and restaurants important components of past studies? <br />Restaurants, a banquet facility and hotel are necessary to support golf <br />course tournaments. Additionally, there has been a public outcry for these <br />amenities since the closure of the Blue Dolphin. <br />• Did the market studies ever consider retail, office or residential uses in the <br />shoreline area? Past market studies have indicated that retail uses alone <br />could not be supported as there is insufficient area for mass retail uses and <br />residential development. A retail developer initially proposed to be the <br />master developer of the site, then withdrew their application due to the size <br />of the development area. <br />• What is the status of the Comcast Cable property on Marina Boulevard? <br />The Comcast property is owned by the City, is now vacant and available for <br />development. <br />• What local companies have a demand for hotels. The General Manager of <br />the Marina Inn, Audrey Velasquez, replied OSI, a software company on <br />Davis Street, Wachovia, and Energy Recovery Inc., were a few San Leandro <br />based companies that were repeat guests at the Marina Inn. <br />Additional CAC comments included the following: <br />• The Mulford Branch Library site should be included into the Shoreline Study <br />Area as it appears the library has outgrown the dated building. The CAC <br />should also consider museum, theater, outdoor amphitheater, residential, <br />and commercial uses for future development. <br />