<br />May 20, 2009
<br />7:00 P.M. — 9:00 P.M.
<br />15301 Wicks Boulevard, Marina Community Center, Titan Auditorium
<br />Shoreline CAC Members: Audrey Albers, Clinton Bolden, Marie Chiu, Diana Cin, Dave Clark,
<br />Michael Cook, John Dilsaver, Tom Fitzsimons, Alfred Frates, Babs
<br />Freitas, Rersin Gonzalez, Jeff Houston, Rebecca Jewell, Robert
<br />Leigh, Matt Maloon, Rene Mendieta, Kent Myers (Chairperson), Gil
<br />Raposo, Carole Rinaldi, Victoria Robles, Caryl Ann Symons, Dan
<br />Walters.
<br />Consultants present: Ed Miller, Cal -Coast Development.
<br />City staff present: City Manager Steve Hollister, Community Development Director
<br />Luke Sims, Business Development Manager Cynthia Battenberg,
<br />Marina Supervisor Delmarie Snodgrass, Community Relations
<br />Representative Kathy Ornelas, Senior Development Project
<br />Specialist Elmer Penaranda.
<br />Public present: Sandra Bass, Eldon Brodie, Ian Davidson, Al Fernandez, Robert
<br />Fox, Charles Gilcrest, Hischit Hedge, Howard Kerr, Hao Lee, Gerd
<br />and Melissa Margraff, Tina Martinez, Emilia Martins, June Miller,
<br />Errold Moody, Diana Prola, Wilson Salazar, Mel and Nancy
<br />Switzer, Terry and Betty Walsh, Mayor Tony Santos, Vice Mayor
<br />Joyce Starosciak, and Councilmember Jim Prola.
<br />I. Welcome and Introductions
<br />Mayor Santos called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. welcomed everyone present and
<br />introduced Vice Mayor Joyce Starosciak and Councilmember Jim Prola. On behalf of the
<br />City, Mayor Santos thanked the Shoreline CAC for the time and effort they are spending
<br />meeting and working together to develop recommendations for a Shoreline Area master
<br />plan. Director Sims introduced the Shoreline CAC and City staff that were present.
<br />II. Discussion
<br />A. Ed Miller, Cal -Coast Development. Developer Miller introduced himself and his
<br />company. He proceeded to present various site plans, architectural renderings and
<br />photographs of other successful developments along waterfronts in California. The
<br />inherent quality of the development area, being along the San Francisco Bay, is a
<br />valuable and unique characteristic that other cities and developers wished they had as
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