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ShorelineMarina Highlights 2009 0617
City Clerk
City Council
Shoreline-Marina Committee
ShorelineMarina Highlights 2009 0617
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CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Committee Highlights
Document Date (6)
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Shoreline CAC Page (3 <br />June 17, 2009 <br />Meeting Highlights <br />After the presentation discussion ensued regarding the following: <br />• Was the required amount of parking considered? No. Parking was presumed <br />to be included adjacent to the areas that were to be developed. <br />• It was clarified that Habitot is a nonprofit, educational and interactive business <br />for young children and parents that would not be operated by City staff. It was <br />also clarified that the intent of the laser tag was to include children in an older <br />age group. It was Group 1's intent to try to include amenities and uses for the <br />whole family. Bocce ball was proposed because that is a popular activity for <br />seniors. <br />Group 2 — Rebecca Jewell (Organizer), Dan Walters (Analyst). Rebecca Jewell <br />gave a presentation including the following: <br />• The focal point on the proposed concept was an island -structure in the center <br />of the existing boat harbor with spoke -like features to provide walking access <br />to the center area. <br />• The group's conceptual idea was not to have an intense business presence. <br />• There would be plenty of paths for walking and linking the amenities. <br />• A high -quality, Zagat's rated restaurant would be located at Mulford Point and <br />would partner with the proposed conference center. <br />• The conference center would include 200 hotel rooms and use existing <br />parking areas. It would be approximately located at the former Blue Dolphin <br />site. <br />• The restaurants and conference center would be a regional draw. <br />• There would be a floating restaurant inside the harbor such as re -use of a <br />former watercraft for a restaurant. <br />• A wide open outdoor area labeled as `Plaza' adjacent to the inner harbor <br />would be designated for farmers markets and small musical concerts. This <br />would be intended to be flexible space for community use (there would be no <br />seating). <br />• Adjacent to the Plaza would be multi -story (maximum three-story) mixed use <br />building with restaurants, cafe (coffee bar) on the ground floor and offices on <br />the upper floors and a collection of retail shops. <br />• Across Monarch Bay Drive on the easterly side and adjacent to the golf <br />course would be artist lofts; no specific number of units were specified. <br />Special attention would need to be given in its design to create a connection <br />to the Plaza and shops across the street. <br />• South of the retail shops and adjacent to the Plaza would be a five -story <br />parking garage for visitors where the top of the structure would be a living - <br />roof accessible to visitors to enjoy the various views. <br />• The parking structure would have to be designed so that it is architecturally <br />interesting. At the ground floor there should be a map and information kiosk <br />and retail shops which could include bicycle rentals. <br />• The parking structure would be a natural place for friends and family to meet <br />each other when visiting the shoreline area. <br />
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