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Shoreline CAC <br />February 17, 2010 <br />Meeting Highlights <br />Page 15 <br />AGC did express interest, however, in providing expanded food and beverage service in <br />a larger club house should the development plans including funding for such. <br />The possibility of expanding development into to the Monarch Bay nine -hole executive <br />golf course, which was suggested by public on numerous occasions, was also explored. <br />The nine -hole course although not a significant revenue generator, attracts 40% of the <br />play. The course, however, sits on approximately 40 acres, and in general only 25 acres <br />are needed for a quality nine -hole course. ACG indicated that they were amenable to <br />allowing the course to be redesigned to allow for additional development. <br />Based on this information, John Harbottle, a renowned golf course architect, has been <br />retained to redesign course to provide additional developable space. The new design <br />will be sensitive to maintaining the present quality and performance of the current <br />executive course as well as be sensitive to the City's ordinance which requires <br />protection of the monarch butterflies which overwinter on the golf course. <br />Manager Battenberg clarified that the CAC's role is to provide input to the developer <br />and the developer will perform and provide the final design. <br />B. Next Meeting Date. The next Shoreline Development CAC meeting date is scheduled <br />for March 17, 2010. The next meeting will provide each of the three groups <br />approximately one hour with Cal Coast to discuss how the information presented on bay <br />coverage, traffic and the golf course impacts the project. <br />III. Public Comments. No public comments were given. <br />Chairperson Myers adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m. <br />G:\OBD\Marina\CitizensAdvisoryCommittee\Meeting Notes\20 10\2-17-10ighlights.doc <br />