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within their service area and perform additional outreach on how customers can increase <br />their recycling service as part of their next Solid Waste and Recycling Franchise Agreement <br />2. Discussion Regarding the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce's Consultant Services <br />Agreement Business Assistance Activities <br />Business Development Manager Battenberg introduced the item explaining that the relationship <br />between the City and a Chamber of Commerce is important for both organizations. Battenberg <br />provided the Committee with memorandum (attached) outlining prior Redevelopment Agency <br />assistance to the Chamber to support their business assistance efforts. The memorandum also <br />provided the Committee with the Scope of Services proposed by the Chamber for Fiscal Year <br />2011-2012. Battenberg explained each program included in the Scope of Services has an <br />associated dollar amount, and if any program is not completed the City will withhold the funds. <br />Battenberg highlighted that of the $43,600 approved in the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 consulting <br />services agreement $36,000 has been distributed to the Chamber. <br />The Committee discussed the role of the Chamber, and the proposed Scope of Services. The <br />Committee requested that the Chamber create at a Principal for a Day Program with the local <br />schools and implement a City Trip Program. Councilmember Sousa expressed concern that the <br />Chamber of Commerce is a political organization and therefore should have their funding from <br />the City significantly reduced. <br />Recommendation: The Committee approved directing the Executive Director of the <br />Redevelopment Agency to enter into a Consulting Services Agreement with the San <br />Leandro Chamber of Commerce for up to $41,800 to assist them in implementing <br />assistance programs that serve the business community. <br />3. Update on Development Projects <br />a. Bal Theatre: Community Development Director Sims informed the Committee that <br />the Board of Zoning Adjustments completed a walk-through of the Bal Theatre on <br />June 2, 2011. This walk-through was part of the BZA's review of the proposed <br />amendments to the Bal Theatre's existing Conditional Use Permit which would allow <br />live entertainment events. The proposed amendments are scheduled to be reviewed <br />by the BZA on July 7, 2011. <br />b. AutoZone: Sims informed the Committee that the Planning Department has received <br />an application for for an 11,000 sq ft AutoZone development at the vacant property <br />on E.14th directly north of the Flyers gas station. <br />4. Public Comments: None. <br />S. Committee Member Comments: N/A <br />6. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 5:45p.m. <br />PABusiness Development\Highlights\2011\6-9-11 B&HD Highlights.docx <br />