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Draft <br />San Leandro Sister City and Friendship City Guidelines <br />I. Criteria for Establishing_a Sister City and Friendship City Affiliations <br />In keeping with the goals of President Eisenhower's People to People Program to offer <br />opportunities for people of all ages to experience, explore and absorb other cultures through <br />long-term partnerships, the City of San Leandro sets forth the following guidelines for <br />developing its Sister City and Friendship City affiliations. These relationships are intended to <br />transcend transitory political or social concerns, and lead to ongoing community involvement <br />with Sister City and Friendship City regions and people. <br />It is recognized that Friendship City affiliations are less formal and more limited in scope than <br />Sister City affiliations, consisting of less administrative and financial expectations. <br />II. Sister City Selection Criteria <br />A. A city chosen for a Sister City affiliation should be located in a country that has established <br />diplomatic relations with the United States. There should be the potential for genuine <br />people -to -people contact; communication and visitation should be able to occur freely in both <br />directions. <br />B. The proposed city should be similar in population, and/or role in the region, and/or have <br />cultural, educational, socio-economic, governmental, or other tangible features in common <br />with San Leandro, making it an appropriate Sister City. <br />C. There must be residential community and cultural ties between San Leandro and the <br />proposed city. The relationship should not be economically driven. <br />D. The proposed city must be in a country not already represented by San Leandro's Sister <br />Cities, and ideally, so as to maintain balance in the program, should be of a different <br />linguistic or cultural group than San Leandro's existing Sister Cities. <br />III. Friendship City Selection Criteria <br />A. A city chosen for a Friendship City affiliation should be located in a country that has <br />established diplomatic relations with the United States. <br />B. The proposed city should have cultural, demographic, economic, or other tangible features <br />similar to those of San Leandro. <br />IV. Community Involvement <br />