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Human Relations Committee <br />May 31. 2007 <br />Page 2 <br />community workshops on diversity and discrimination; and provided multi -cultural programs and <br />services throughout City departments, among numerous other actions. <br />Councilmember Gregory suggested the information be added to the City's website. <br />Councilmember Souza suggested the chronology be forwarded to the Human Services <br />Commission for their information. The City Manager agreed those actions will be taken once the <br />information is reported to the full City Council (through these highlights) and the information <br />will be added to the City Council handbook. Mayor Santos suggested census data be added; staff <br />will work on adding that information. <br />2. Discussion Regarding Friendship City Affiliation with Yangchun, China <br />Mayor Santos reported that he has been in discussions for more than a year with members of the <br />San Leandro Chinese residential and business communities about the opportunity to develop <br />cultural and potentially even economic ties with China. <br />Arlene Lum and Steven Leung, representing the Asian Business Council of the San Leandro <br />Chamber of Commerce and the Asian Chinese Community Association of San Leandro, <br />presented their recommendation (Powerpoint attached) that San Leandro establish a Friendship <br />City relationship with Yangchun, China. The presentation pointed out that there are 38,000 <br />Chinese businesses in the Bay Area, with Chinese businesses doubling their growth rate between <br />1997 and 2002. More and more Chinese businesses are moving into San Leandro and many are <br />Chamber of Commerce members. <br />Ms. Lum and Mr. Leung explained that the San Leandro Chinese community feels that <br />establishment of a Friendship City with China will provide an opportunity for cultural exchanges <br />and provide the San Leandro business community a chance to see the economic opportunities in <br />China. <br />Because there are no direct links between San Leandro and any particular city in China, Ms. Lum <br />and Mr. Leung suggest that a Friendship City affiliation would be more appropriate than San <br />Leandro's traditional Sister City affiliations. Yangchun officials have approached Alameda <br />County Supervisor Alice Lai-Bitker, asking that she help them find a city with which to affiliate. <br />The Supervisor is suggesting San Leandro because of our growing Asian population. <br />Ms. Lum and Mr. Leung presented the Committee with petitions with over 500 signatures of <br />residents of San Leandro and surrounding communities supporting the recommendation to <br />establish a Friendship City relationship with Yangchun. A sample page of the petitions is <br />attached. <br />