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Human Relations Committee <br />May 31, 2007 <br />Page 3 <br />Diana Gentry from the San Leandro Chamber of Commerce read a statement (attached) in <br />support of establishing a Friendship City affiliation with Yangchun. <br />Kathy Ornelas reported that in 2005 the City Council adopted Guidelines for Sister Cities in San <br />Leandro. In researching the concept of Friendship Cities, she found little information on <br />protocols or policies for Friendship Cities, other than the comment that Friendship Cities are <br />"less formal" than Sister Cities. In essence, Friendship Cities are generally ceremonial in nature <br />and do not normally involve official events or formal exchanges between the two cities. <br />Ms. Ornelas drafted changes to the Sister City Guidelines (attached) to allow for consideration of <br />Friendship City affiliations, holding with the existing standard that such an affiliation should be <br />sponsored and maintained by the community. John Jermanis stressed that it would be important <br />that such an affiliation should not create undue workloads for City staff. <br />Committee members agreed that an affiliation with a city in China would be culturally beneficial <br />for San Leandro. They suggest that a trial Friendship City affiliation be formed with Yangchun <br />to see how such an arrangement would work for the community and the City. The Committee <br />agreed that changes to the Sister City Guidelines should be adopted and that Mayor Santos and <br />the Mayor of Yangchun should begin corresponding for official requests to establish a Friendship <br />City affiliation. Because a group of San Leandro resident, including Mayor Santos, may be <br />traveling to China in the fall, the Committee recommended these actions be taken as quickly as <br />possible in order to facilitate travel arrangements. <br />Committee Recommendation: <br />• Schedule adoption of the drafted San Leandro Sister City and Friendship City Guidelines. <br />3. Discussion Regarding Appointment of Committee Chairperson <br />The Committee unanimously agreed that Mayor Santos should continue as Chair of the <br />Committee. <br />4. Discussion Regarding Committee Meeting Dates and Times <br />The Committee agreed that meeting every other month on a Thursday at 1:30 p.m. was a <br />convenient meeting time. Staff will review Committee schedules to be certain that the standing <br />date of the P Thursday of odd numbered months does not conflict with other committee <br />schedules. <br />5. Public Comments <br />None. <br />