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representatives, two representatives from mortgage and lending institutions, <br />one apartment house owner, the City Manager, the City Attorney, and the <br />Community Relations Representative. <br />December 1971 <br />The City Council formally asked the Alameda County Housing Authority to <br />include San Leandro in its housing assistance programs. <br />March 1972 <br />Following a cross burning incident at a home on Durant Avenue, the City <br />Resolution 72-78 <br />Council authorized a $500 reward for the arrest and conviction of the <br />perpetrator. Mayor Maltester read the following Policy Statement into <br />record at the March 29, 1972 City Council meeting: <br />Policy Statement <br />"While there is a formal City policy declaring freedom of choice in housing <br />in San Leandro, there is evidence of a prevailing climate which has the <br />effect of discouraging — even preventing —freedom of housing choices for <br />certain ethnic groups in the city of San Leandro. <br />The City Council of San Leandro recognizes there is a problem and it is for <br />this reason that the City Council has approved the appointment of the <br />Mayor's Advisory Committee on Housing. <br />The primary goal of this Committee is to attempt to produce a climate of <br />welcome to all persons seeking to live in the city of San Leandro. <br />It is not the policy nor the intent of this Committee to be involved in any <br />recruitment campaign to bring Blacks or any other minority group into San <br />Leandro, but rather to inform all persons that housing in San Leandro is <br />equally available to everyone. <br />The Committee holds that is its not logical to assume that Blacks or other <br />minority groups do not live in significant numbers in San Leandro for <br />purely economic reasons or because they prefer living among their own <br />ethnic group. The Committee likewise holds that it is not logical to assume <br />that such discrimination is a result of conspiracy or of group actions; it <br />exists as a personal and individual matter. <br />The Committee will review and endeavor to resolve any complaints relative <br />to a person's inability to obtain housing in San Leandro because of race, <br />color, religion or national origin if that person feels that his problem has <br />not been handled effectively by the City's Community Relations <br />Representative. <br />Another major objective of the Committee is to establish a program of <br />activities aimed at bringing to bear the resources of the City, local <br />manufacturers, realtors, homeowner groups, lending institutions, school <br />officials, church groups and citizens to create a community climate that will <br />insure a freedom of housing choice of all persons who desire to live in San <br />Leandro. " <br />The statement was unanimously adopted by the City Council. <br />November 20, <br />Under a $50,000 HUD demonstration grant, Del Green Associates was <br />1972 <br />brought on for a 12-month period as a consultant to the Mayor's Housing <br />