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Rules and Communications %.ommittee <br />March 2, 2006 <br />Page 2 <br />that the Attorney General has not yet set forth the requirements for the ethics training. The City <br />Clerk will keep a record of the documentation provided by Councilmembers as required by AB <br />1234. <br />Committee Member Stephens noted that State legislators are already required to report this <br />information. Committee Chair Badger suggested that the ethics training could be given during <br />a two-hour work session. <br />City Manager Jermanis commented that he and City Attorney Williams have discussed the <br />possibility of holding a joint meeting with the Council and some of the boards and commissions <br />which would be subject to the new law, such as the Planning Commission and BZA. He noted <br />that the City Council already has a reimbursement policy formalized in the City's <br />Administrative Code. Mr. Jermanis indicated that conference registration forms and other <br />related documents will be copied and made available for public review. <br />Finance Director Jesse Baloca reported that the reimbursement requirements under AB 1234 are <br />basically the same as what the City requires now. The draft resolution would amend the City's <br />Administrative Code to fully comply with the Sunshine Bill. Mr. Baloca pointed out some <br />policies to which the City will try to have stricter adherence, such as the use of the government <br />rate for travel accommodations and the travel advance policy. Mr. Jermanis explained the <br />travel advance policy, which requires that the recipient of the advance either submit receipts for <br />the use of the advance or report it as income. <br />Committee Member Stephens suggested that it would be helpful for new City Councilmembers <br />to receive this information as part of their orientation. Committee Member Nardine commented <br />on a discussion by the Alameda County Mosquito Abatement District (ACMAD) Board of <br />Directors regarding which agency is responsible for reimbursement for meetings between two <br />governmental agencies. Committee Chair Badger commented that the reporting appears less <br />onerous than what he has experienced in the corporate sector. <br />The Committee discussed various reimbursement issues, including group tabs, gratuities, cab <br />rides, and other instances where no receipt is provided. Committee members suggested <br />revisions to the draft resolution. <br />Committee Recommendation <br />The Committee recommends the City Council schedule a work session to discuss the <br />requirements of AB 1234 and the draft resolution establishing the policy of reimbursement of <br />expenses for City Councilmembers, members of boards and commissions, and City employees. <br />3. Public Comments <br />None. <br />