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Election Update - 2 <br />paper ballots will also be available; however, there is currently no plan to have optical scanners <br />at the polling places. City staff would like to provide early voting at City Hall, but it is uncertain <br />at this time whether the County will be able to support early voting for cities. <br />Update on Instant Runoff Voting (IR)o <br />For the past several months, City staff has participated on an IRV task force with staff and <br />elected representatives from the cities of Berkeley and Oakland, the County Registrar of Voters, <br />the County Board of Supervisors, the League of Women Voters, voter rights and election reform <br />organizations and other interested groups and individuals. There is disagreement between the <br />County Counsel and the city attorneys of Berkeley, Oakland and San Leandro as to whether the <br />County can legally conduct an IRV election as part of a general consolidated election. However; <br />the County Counsel has stated that his goal is to "get to yes" on this issue in a way that does not <br />put the County at risk. <br />The City of Berkeley is feeling pressure to implement IRV in November 2006, and Berkeley and <br />the County are actively looking for a way to legally accomplish this. One avenue being pursued is <br />for Berkeley to contract with the same voting system vendor certified for use in the San <br />Francisco IRV election in November. <br />