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File Number: 12-058 <br />Karen Langmaid from SLzUSD reported that the District is looking to expand training of their staff <br />at all levels, not just for disaster response. <br />Dan Bates from SLzUSD commented that he recently attended training for addressing the needs of <br />students with special needs, and how important it is to include disaster response planning for <br />residents with special needs. <br />Kathy Ornelas reported that an EOC drill is planned on March 16 for City EOC personnel. It will be <br />a real-time drill in that EOC participants will receive notification that "a disaster has just occurred" <br />and will be ordered to report to the EOC to determine how long it takes the organization to get the <br />EOC up and operational after an emergency has occurred. <br />Vice Mayor Gregory concurred that the real-time drill concept is valuable and should be considered <br />for schools, students and parents as well. <br />5. Public Comments <br />Mitch Huitema, a resident of the Broadmoor neighborhood and parent of a student at Roosevelt <br />Elementary School, commented on the complexities of getting parents prepared to support the <br />schools following an emergency and coordination of release of students to authorized family <br />representatives. She emphasized how important drills are to get people trained. <br />6. Adjourn <br />The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 a.m., with consensus that the next meeting will be scheduled for <br />Friday, April 27, 2012. <br />San Leandro Disaster Council Goals/Projects for 2012 & 2013 <br />(these are listed in no particular order) <br />• Create a directory of critical emergency response partners and partners within the Disaster Council <br />and share with all members. <br />• Identify active CERT groups in San Leandro. Expand CERT to all neighborhoods. <br />• Provide copies of emergency plans and emergency contact rosters for all Disaster Council members <br />and share with all members. <br />• Share information about redundant information and communication systems used by the member <br />agencies. <br />• Establish a training calendar listing trainings being offered by member agencies and emergency <br />response partners. <br />• Provide a table -top exercise for HAM/RACES radio operators from member agencies. Report to the <br />Disaster Council when trainings occur. <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 211512012 <br />155 <br />