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in state and local government finance <br />• Over 44 years in government finance <br />• 26 years as Fairfield's Finance Director, 3% years Asst Director in Sacramento <br />• 6%2 years as tax policy consultant to California Legislature, on team that <br />implemented Proposition 13 in 1978 <br />• 8 years consulting on local agency budget and finance issues, including 3 years <br />on Stockton bankruptcy <br />in field of long-range forecasting <br />• 30 forecast models created for cities, counties and districts <br />• Stockton model vetted in Bankruptcy Court against creditor challenges <br />• Pressures on revenues and spending levels over next 10 to 20 years <br />• Focus on General Fund <br />• Long-term projections under current service levels and known increases, <br />using realistic growth assumptions, and before corrective actions <br />Outcomes3. Test Alternative <br />B C <br />• Recession, revenue growth, cost of living adjustments (COLAs), staffing levels <br />• Costs not in baseline budget needed to make current level of services <br />sustainable over the long-term <br />• Impact of spending cuts or revenue increases needed to balance forecast <br />4 <br />