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D E 1 D <br />I,the underwignec., IJa aY F.GZORGF1,a widow,of the City of San <br />Leandro, County of Iiapneda, State of California, for and in considera- <br />tion of the sum of Twelve Hundred Sixty-six end 42/I00 ( I266.42) <br />Dcllars,lzrmful money of t.,_c United Ste-tes of America,the receipt <br />whereof iR hereby acknowledged, <br />Do hereby grant ur:to the City of San Leandro,a rr.unicipa.l cor- <br />poration,for street purposes, <br />All that certain property situate in the City of Sen <br />Le,andro,Cotir_ty of Alzmeda,StE-te of California,a.nd particularly <br />described a's follows, to-gwit:- <br />Beginning rt a. point on the Southern line of Magdalene Avenge, <br />distant thereon Seven Hundred and Seventy-one and 27/I00 (77I.27) <br />feet Yorth 700 35, East from its intersection_ with a line drawn <br />parallel to and distant Fifty (50) feet,measured at a right angle <br />Yorthec.w-terl;; from the Northeastern line of East I4th Street, for- <br />merly 111"ayviard Aventte,a.11 ns shown on tlia_t certa•.in Yap entitled "I%AB <br />OF THE ESTUMILLO TRACT, SAN LEAliDRO, SUBDIVIDED Jfd7UARY I875" Gnd re- <br />corded in Liber 5 of Y.-,ps,pa,,ge 32,Alamede. County Records; _nd run- <br />ning thence along the Southern line of Magdalena, Avenue,I:orth 700 <br />351 E,.et,a distance of Three Hundred and Forty -`rive end 6/200 <br />(345.06) feet to the Western line of that cert,-,in strip o6 lmd <br />conveyed by A.E.Pelton to the City of Son Leondro,a: 1-unicipul cor- <br />poration,by Deed dated -Larch 20tii I9!2; thence a.lonc the Western_ li <br />line of said strip of land South I90 321 z,, distance of Thirty <br />(30) feet; thence along r line drawn parallel -to emd distant Thirty <br />(30) feet,.Y.ea„ured c t s, right Engle Southerly from the Southern <br />line of yx.gdalena Avenue, South 700 351 West, e distance of TIZee <br />Hundred and Forty-five and I2/I00 (345.I2) feet to the Eastern line <br />of tlie land now or formerly owned by Anna E. Coleman; and thence x2z <br />along the mentioned line, ior-th I9° 251 West,e:, distance of <br />Thirty (30) flet to the point of beginning. <br />