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1 <br />T71S INDENTURE, T,Lade and entered into this day of of A.D. Nineteen hundred Sixteen (1916) by <br />and between the BROADM00i? CO'"PAi?Y, a, corporation, the <br />party of the first part, and the CITY OF SAN Lrf1IIDRO, a --unicipal <br />Corporation, the party of the second nart. <br />WIT11ESSET11, That the said party of the first part, for <br />and in consideration of the sum of Five Dollars United <br />States Gold Coin, paid by the party of the second part to the <br />pasty of the first part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, <br />does hereby grant, bargain, sell, transfer and alien unto the s�-_id <br />party of the second part the easer.ent and right of way to establish, <br />construct and maintain for all time a, storm-:^a.ter conduit in, <br />through, on and along that certain piece and strip of land situated, <br />lying and being in the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, <br />State of California, and particularly bounded and descri 1- as <br />A strip of land, ter. (10) fePt`1_n width, estendin , <br />from the northern line of Dutton Avenue to the northern line <br />Of 14ot 11o. 20 of Flock !To. 20, iiap hereinafter mentioned, <br />r the eastern line of said strip being the eastern lines of <br />Lots 2To9. 20, 21, 22 and 23, of Block ITo.. 20, as said lots <br />and. block are shown upon that certain reap entitled ";,iap of <br />Broadrioor Alaxieda County", filed January 30, 1908 in F-ook <br />23 of !,-Laps, page 68, Alameda County Records; Being; the <br />eastern ter, (10) feet of the aforesaid Lots 20, 21, 22 and <br />23. <br />TO HAVE YOM TO HOLD unto the said party of the second part forever <br />for the sole object and purpose of constructing and Ama.intainin6 <br />thereon a, storm -::rater conduit and for no other purpose; and should <br />said real property herein described be at ahy time used for a.n„v <br />other purpose by said party of the second part than for the pace- <br />ment and .right of Way for the purpose of constructing and maintain - <br />ins a., storm -water conduit, then this easement and right of way, <br />granted and conveyed, shall imriediately lapse and become null and <br />void and said easement and right of way shall i=)ediately revert <br />to said party of the first part, its succesoors and assigns. <br />