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MIS IMENTURE, made and entered into this <br />day of y A.D., 'nineteen Eandred Sixteen (1916) <br />by and between TH3 UITIO'T WATER CO M:1171 Y OF CA LTFOR7IA , a oorpor- <br />ation, the party of the First part, and the CITY OF SAR ERMRO, <br />a ..:anicipal Corporation, the party of the second part, <br />7IT''Ar SS TH, That the said i arty of the first !part, <br />for and in consideration of the sum of Five Dollars (5"'5.00) <br />United States sold Coin, paid by the Marty of the second part <br />'to the party of the first part, the receipt whereof is hereby <br />fl aeknouledged, does hereby grant, bargain, sell, transfer and <br />© alien unto the said a -arty of the second hart the easement and <br />\� ri_;ht of way to establish, construct and maintain for all time <br />a storm -water conduit, in, through, on and alone; that certain <br />piece and strip of land situated, lying and being; in the City <br />Lv of San Leandro, County of Alameda, 9tate of California, Rrd <br />i:articularly bounded and described as follows, to-.,iit: <br />A strip of land, ten (10) feet in width, ex- <br />tending from the southern line of County Road Sur- <br />vey lo. 1510 ( commonly known as Dutton avenue o r <br />Chicken Lane) to the northern hio-h bluff bank of <br />San Leandro Creek, the eastern line of said strip <br />being the eastern line of that certain piece or <br />parcel of land heretofore conveyed by Stephen .:. <br />Kieffer and Lura J. Kieffer to Union ?rater Company <br />Of Cali Cornia, a corporation, by deed, dated Oc- <br />tober 6, 1910, and recorded in Liber 1899 of Deeds, <br />Page 120 Alameda County Records: Being the east- <br />ern ten 110) feet of the aforesaid land conveyed <br />to the Union eater Company of California. <br />TO RAU A�?D TO HOLD unto the said party of the second <br />part forever for the sole object and purpose of const-ructinp <br />and maintaining thereon a storm -rater conduit and for no other <br />purpose; it be inF; understood that the top of said conduit <br />shall, at no point on said strip of land, be less than three (3) <br />feet below the surface of the ground, and further that the <br />