<br />Zbi.5 Jubeuture, Made this dair o f _ in the year
<br />of our Loord� e Thousa '�'ne H ndred and _
<br />`.�ftLllPPtt Jv (. • ��L�C�
<br />the parcl.-C v of the first part, and
<br />A./ z erL1074a___-14_,�
<br />&X/ U7/1 -
<br />the part, 4-0 o f the second part,
<br />itne g�etlj,(�� sd�art.tei•� of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum
<br />' / , ,U Dollars, in gold coin of the United States of
<br />America, ,xD .�-� in hand paid by the part.etio of the second part, at or before the
<br />ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, ha vz
<br />granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents_ do_— grant, barelain, sell and
<br />convey unto the said part .4,ewo of the second part, and to J%llls-,, heirs and assigns forever,
<br />�I M th AX certain lot piece or parcel -- of llgd, situate,lying and being in the
<br />State o California, and bounded and County o f
<br />f f particularly described as follows, to -wit:
<br />If- .�.� t
<br />�...��t
<br />7
<br />�" � �� 1 �
<br />Togetber with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto
<br />belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and
<br />rein ainders, rents, issues and profits thereof. And also all the estate, right., title, interest,
<br />_paacessian,, -claim _anclmand* uzJaat�u�z_a40911- an -lcau+ --cas in-gguity,---ef---#he--said-
<br />part A4-v of the first part, of, in or to the above described premises, and every part and
<br />parcel thereof, with the appurtenances.
<br />'Zo babe anb to bolb, all and singular the abor-e mentioned and described remises, together
<br />With the •dppurtenances, unto the said part ,r��o of the second part, heirs and
<br />assigns forever.
<br />2n Witnea Wbereof the said part•-!,- of the first part .ha wL hereunto set
<br />h'and,O and seal —the day and year first above written.
<br />Aigneb, �Sealea®eli a the Prezenfe of
<br />�� � � � —••—• —'�
<br />------- - ------------------------- l SEAL
<br />- ---�------ I SEAL I
<br />