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i <br />QUITCLAII;i DEED <br />J We, the undersigned, FLORA. V. RIDER (a widow), DAITIFT <br />REST (a widower), C. L. FFFIT and IURGAF T GPAY" BEST (his wife), <br />11 residents of the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, <br />jlt- State of California, and AGA]ES GLEASON (wife of Charles D. R. <br />ry 11,J��r �'1`iii►-'fti�, aal .o�.o s..R., a.�G.v /�.-we."'t "v <br />Gleason) , whose name bef ore rmarr age was Agnes Peachy, the <br />�..�-'►l'-��..�; <br />sole heir at law of vary i. -Peachy, deceased, a resident of the <br />City and Counter of San Francisco, State of California, for a <br />valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby <br />acknowledged, <br />Do hereby grant, remise, release and forever auitolaim unto <br />the CITY OF SAIT LEANDRO, a municipal corporation, for street <br />purposes, <br />All that certain real property sitvote in the City of San <br />Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, and particularly <br />described as follows, to -wit <br />TEMY!?.�I1-tG at the point of intersection of the original. South- <br />westerly line of East Fourteenth Street ( formerly called. the <br />Oakland and San Leandro Road and also called the County Road from <br />Oakland to San Leandro) with the Southeasterly line of Stoakes <br />Avenue, and running thence Southeasterly along said line of East <br />Fourteenth Street to its intersection with the Northwesterly line <br />of Peralta Avenue; thence Southwesterly along said lire of <br />Peralta Avenue to a point thereon distant 19 feet (measured at <br />right angles) Southwesterly from saiO. "Line of East Fourteenth <br />Street; thence Northwesterly and parallel to said line of East <br />Fourteenth Street to the Southeasterly line of Stoa.kes Avenue; <br />and thence Northeasterly along said last named line 19 feet, more <br />or less, to the point of beginning. <br />-1- <br />