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170TE 2: - On December ?, 1866, the title to the hereinafter <br />described premises was vested in Samuel Pry. Cleland. On said date <br />Samuel ::i. Cleland and Isabella Cleland, his wife, executed a 'Homestead <br />on said property which said Homestead was on said date recorded in <br />Liber "B" of Homesteads, page 83. Thereafter on February 1, 1872 <br />said Samuel M. Cleland executed a purported abandonment of said <br />Homestead, in which instrument he alleges that his rife Isabella is <br />now dead. Nothing appears of record, other than the statement in <br />said abandonment, establishing the death of said Isabella Cleland. <br />The title of vestee was acquired, by mesne conveyances, through deed <br />from said Samuel M. Cleland. In vesting title, this Certificate <br />assumes that said Isabella Cleland was dead at the date ©f said <br />by Sainuel _. Cleland. <br />All that lot of land situated in the Tovrn of San Leandro, County of <br />Alameda, State of California, bounded and described as follows, to -wit:- <br />Beginning at a point on the South Western line of East 14th Ctreet <br />(formerl�r called County Road from Oakland to San Leandro), ji stant <br />thereon South Easterly 7.09 chains from the most T orthern corner of <br />that certain parcel of land conveyed by Ygnacio Peralta and wife to <br />A. Toler, wife of '01illiam P. Toler, by deed dated June 18, 1856 <br />and recorded in Liber "E" of Deeds, at page 374, said point being; ..lso <br />the most !Torthern corner of that certain parcel of land containing 30 <br />acres conveyed by gym. P. Toler and wife to T. F. Strong, by deed dated <br />TTovember 24, 1855 and recorded in Liber "E" of Deeds, at page 50; <br />running thence South Easterly along said line of East 14th Street and <br />along the TTorth Eastern line of said 30 acre tract last above :mentioned <br />5.d4 chains; thence at right angles South ':lesterly nineteen (19) feet; <br />thence at right angles North .':'esterly 5.44 chains; thence at right angles <br />north Easterly nineteen (19) feet to the point of beginning. <br />