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THIS I N DEN T U R E, Llade thi: day of April, <br />in the year A. L. One Thousand Nine Hund-red and Fourteen. 1� <br />BY A11D BEnV�.N ALLEN E. PELTO`d and I;_IITNIE Y. PELTON, his i <br />wife, of the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of CP1- <br />ifornia, the parties of the first part; and <br />11 11 <br />THE CITY OIL' SAti LRANLI O, a. municipn+l corpor,, Lion, being <br />a political subdivision of the State of California., the prrt;, of <br />the second pert. <br />WITI1ESSETH: That the pvrties of the firfit part for val- <br />ua.ble consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, <br />have granted and conveyed, and by these presents do grant and con- <br />vey unto the party of the second part, <br />ALL that certain real property situate in the City of San <br />Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, and described as <br />follows, to -wit: <br />BEGINITING at P. point on the ',`lesterly line of T'aple Court" <br />where the Northerly line of"Palm Avenue" produced Westerly inter- <br />sects the same, said point of beginning being distant 308.64 feet <br />South 23 deg. 11' 20" East, from t} e intersection of the Westerly <br />line of "Ira.ple Court" with the ± outherly line of "Dutton Avenue" <br />as said Avenues and Court -are delineated and so designated on that <br />certain ma.p entitled, "Map of Dutton Orchard, San Leandro, Calif- <br />ornia.,1913" and which. a.p-nears of record in look 28 of I; ape, Ft page <br />8, Alameda. County Records; and running thence .:long the 'aesterly <br />line of said "P,a.x)le ('ourt" South 23 deg. ill 20" East, 5C.60 feet; <br />thence South 75 deg. 36' 10" West, 20.41 feet; thence Westerly <br />on the arc of a, curve to the left with. a radius of 274.34 feet, a <br />distance of 78.60 feet; thence South 59 deg. 111 West, 20.64 feet <br />to the :Iesterly boundary line of said Tutton Orchard; thence along <br />said boundary line North 23 deg. ill 20" West, 56.50 feet; thence <br />Easterly on the arc of a curve to the right with a radius of <br />274.34 feet, a distance of 78.60 feet anc thence North 75 deg. 36' <br />10" E,!et, 41.11 feet to the place of beginning and, being a. por- <br />tion of lots numbered 8, 9 and 10, ap the said lots are delineat- <br />ed and so designated on thst certain ma.p entitled, "leap of Dutton <br />+,orchard, San Leandro, California, 1913." <br />TO HAVE AITD TO FOLD all and singular the above mentioned <br />and described prer;;ises together with the - ppurtenancev unto the <br />said party of the second m-rt for road or street purposes only. <br />11" <br />