<br />CIT`f 01 ShN UhNDRO, a i.;unicipal Corporation,
<br />_ the first part y , hereby
<br />Grant s to Givi LR HE LIvII"' MF
<br />the second part y , all that real property situated in the City of San Leandro
<br />County of Alameda. State of California, described _
<br />as follows:
<br />Becinnino at the point of intersection of the Noi-Thurn
<br />line of idavis street, vAtii the Eastern line of Lot "J', in
<br />Elock 1, as said street, lot and block are shoim on the iattp
<br />hereinafter referred to; running thence '3esuerly alonZ said
<br />Northern line of Davis Street, 40 feet; thence Northerly and
<br />at ri _:ht an les to raid line of ')uvis Street, to the North
<br />line oi' said Llock 1, as shoo-in on said coup; running; thence
<br />Eusterly and along the lz--,st said line, to the point of inter-
<br />section t:4'ereof with the Eastern line of Lot 11h", in said
<br />Block 1; thence Southerl,i and alone the Eastern line of said
<br />Lot "Ii", and of Lots "I" and "J" in said "3.,ioc1c 1 to ti:e point
<br />of beginning.
<br />Being the Easterly 40 feet of Lots --H" •,I,, and "J", in
<br />lock 1, as said lots and bloc-__ are delineated and so cesi-
<br />nc.ted upon that certain clay entitieu, "i..ap of `1'own.of -an
<br />L,:andro, County Seat of A1ai.ieda Count,; , Surveyed for the
<br />Proprietors Feb., 185511, filed February 27, 1855 in Liber 1
<br />of ivaps, page 19, in the office of the County ecoruer of
<br />Alailieda County.
<br />In Witness Wbereot, the said first party has executed this conveyance this
<br />GLi_ day of Au; u s t 719 43 f.
<br />CITY OF SAI. - LEhUMRO, a I�:unicipal
<br />Corporation
<br />00
<br />By
<br />Its-.ay;or and Du�y Authorized
<br />Officer.
<br />CIT`f 01 ShN UhNDRO, a i.;unicipal Corporation,
<br />_ the first part y , hereby
<br />Grant s to Givi LR HE LIvII"' MF
<br />the second part y , all that real property situated in the City of San Leandro
<br />County of Alameda. State of California, described _
<br />as follows:
<br />Becinnino at the point of intersection of the Noi-Thurn
<br />line of idavis street, vAtii the Eastern line of Lot "J', in
<br />Elock 1, as said street, lot and block are shoim on the iattp
<br />hereinafter referred to; running thence '3esuerly alonZ said
<br />Northern line of Davis Street, 40 feet; thence Northerly and
<br />at ri _:ht an les to raid line of ')uvis Street, to the North
<br />line oi' said Llock 1, as shoo-in on said coup; running; thence
<br />Eusterly and along the lz--,st said line, to the point of inter-
<br />section t:4'ereof with the Eastern line of Lot 11h", in said
<br />Block 1; thence Southerl,i and alone the Eastern line of said
<br />Lot "Ii", and of Lots "I" and "J" in said "3.,ioc1c 1 to ti:e point
<br />of beginning.
<br />Being the Easterly 40 feet of Lots --H" •,I,, and "J", in
<br />lock 1, as said lots and bloc-__ are delineated and so cesi-
<br />nc.ted upon that certain clay entitieu, "i..ap of `1'own.of -an
<br />L,:andro, County Seat of A1ai.ieda Count,; , Surveyed for the
<br />Proprietors Feb., 185511, filed February 27, 1855 in Liber 1
<br />of ivaps, page 19, in the office of the County ecoruer of
<br />Alailieda County.
<br />In Witness Wbereot, the said first party has executed this conveyance this
<br />GLi_ day of Au; u s t 719 43 f.
<br />CITY OF SAI. - LEhUMRO, a I�:unicipal
<br />Corporation
<br />00
<br />By
<br />Its-.ay;or and Du�y Authorized
<br />Officer.
<br />