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We, the unciereignad, F. C. Stcakes and Flora V. <br />Rider, widow, of Alameda County, State of California, ` <br />DO HEPEB)" GFAYT unto the City of San Leandro, a <br />municipal corporation of the State of California. <br />ALL that certain -real property situate in the City <br />of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, known <br />and described as follows, to -,,,,,it: <br />EE xINNIN(l, at a roint in the Southwesterly line of <br />Fast 14th Street (formerly known as the County Road from Oakland <br />to San Leandro.) as the same now exists and from which the <br />Northeasterly corner of the land now owned by F. C. Stoakes <br />bear N. 31 degrees 05 minutes W. 150.60 feet distant and running <br />thence S. 31 degrees 05 llilinutes E. , along said line of East 14th <br />5traet EO feet, tr_erce at right angles S. 58 degrees 55 minutes <br />T. 422 feet; thence N. 31 degrees 05 minutes W. ;parallel to said <br />line of Fast lath Street 60 feet, and thence N. 58 degrees 55 <br />minutes E. 422 feet to the place of beginning, and beini; a <br />-,:,orticn of that certain Tract of land conveyed by Harriet A.Tay <br />to R. F. Stoal:es by deed bearing date Feb. 23 1888 and recorded <br />in Liber 342 at folio 317, Alameda County Records. <br />Said land is hereby granted for the use of the <br />said City and the public for street purposes only; and that said <br />street shall be named "Stoakes Avenue". <br />FITNESS out sign�atu �th =daych 19C9. <br />In P�ser.ce of _ <br />Mate of California 1 <br />) ss. <br />County of Alameda ) <br />On this 1 5th day of :Iarc'_^ in the year nineteen <br />hundred and nine, before me, John 1`7. Frank, a Notary Public in <br />and for Alameda County, California, residing therein, duly <br />commissioned and si orn, personally appeared F. C. Stoakes and <br />Flora V. hider-, widow, known to me to toe the <br />persons described in and lvhose nmiies are <br />subscribed to the within instrument. <br />TITNESS my hand any, official seal, the <br />clay are yew first above written. <br />leI ' �'`�-t-�1 <br />-_- <br />ot• y Pttblic In and for <br />,Alameda County, California. <br />