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l Z_ <br />4' <br />THI S T 7 D E Y T U R F, Made this j day of <br />in the year A. D. One Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirteen. <br />BFT7IFFN ANTOTTE ROGERS and RITAA, ROGFRS, his wife, of <br />the City of San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, <br />the parties of the first part, and the <br />CTTY OF SAN LFANPRO, a municipal corporation of the <br />State of California, the party of the second part. <br />TTTNESSETH: that the said parties of the first part, <br />for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Pollars, gold coin <br />of the United States of America, to then in hand paid by the <br />party of the second part, at or before the ensealing and <br />delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby <br />acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold and conveyed and <br />by these presents, do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the <br />said party of the second part and its assigns forever. <br />ALL that certain real property situate in the City of <br />San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, described <br />as follo-^s, to —wit: — <br />BEGINNING at the intersection of the northerly line <br />of 3ybi1 Avenue with the easterly line of San Jose Street, as <br />said avenue and street are delineated upon that certain map <br />entitled, "Yap of the Fstudillo Tract, San Teandro", and which <br />appears of record in Book 5 of Maps at page 32, Alameda County <br />Records; and running thence along the said easterly line of <br />San .Tose Street North 190 25' West, 30.70 feet; thence North <br />700 35' East, parallel to and distant 30.70 feet from the said <br />northerly line of Sybil Avenue, 600 feet to the westerly line of <br />San Rafael Street; thence along said westerly line of San Rafael <br />Street South 190 25' East, 30.70 feet to its intersection with <br />the said Northerly line of Sybil Avenue and thence along the <br />earr.e South 700 35' ''Jest, 600 feet to the place of beginning and <br />being a portion of Block 53 Estudillo Tract, San Teandre. <br />This deed is give: for the purpose of widening Sybil <br />Avenue and the property is conveyed for road or street ;purposes <br />only. <br />0 <br />