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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor and Grantee have caused this instrument to_ <br />executed on their behalf by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized, this /'!: ay of <br />2005. <br />The Redevelopment Agency of the City of San Leandro, which acquired title as <br />San Leandro Redevelopment Agency, a public body, corporate and politic <br />J anis, Executive Director <br />Attest: <br />t •., i �� - <br />Marian H. Handa, City Clerk <br />The provisions of this Grant Deed are hereby approved and accepted. <br />1103 DAVIS STREET LLC, a California limited liability company <br />By: Langon Homes, LLC, a California limited liability company <br />By: David Lango , as Manager of <br />Langon Homes, LLC <br />GADEPnOffice of Business DevelopmentTiles RDA\Plaza\l 103 Davis\langon live-work\Grant Deed.doc <br />