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with the Northern production . of the '.Vestern line of Santa Clara :_treet -thence <br />along the Northern production of the Pdestern line of Santa Clara S trE;e-b <br />South 19" 251 East a. distance of 468.10 feet to its intersection with <br />the Southern line of the above mentioned 4 acre tract of land on the high <br />bluff bank of San Leandro Creep; thence along said Southern line North <br />490 251 East a distance of 12.01 feet to the Southeast corner of the above <br />mentioned 4acre tract of .land; thence along the Eastena line of said 4 <br />acre tract of land TTorth 80 251 West a distance of 360 feet to its inter- <br />section with a line .drawn parallel to and distant 80 feet, measured at right <br />angles Easterly from the Northern production of the Western line of Santa <br />Clara Street; and thence along said parallel line North 19' 251 West a <br />distance of 540.30 feet to the place of beginning. <br />MI ING Parcel No. 3 of the lands to be taken for the opening and <br />extending of Bancroft Avenue, as shov?rj on Sheet Number 2 of that certain <br />Map entitled, "Bancroft Avenue and Santa Clara Street Opening" - filed <br />November 8, 1926 under Recorder's Series o. Y1194500 in the office of the <br />County Recorder of the County of Alameda. <br />Pt_RCEL 3: BhGDTNING at a point on the Eastern line of that cert«in <br />acre of land described in a deed from Prank V!illiams to M. C. <br />Williams, dated March 20, 1900 and recorded in Book, .1294 of Deeds at page <br />280, Alameda County Records, distant thereon 1321.70 feet South 81 25' East <br />from itsintersection with the Southern line of Co -nty Road No. 1513 common- <br />ly known as Dutton. Avenue; and running thence along said Eastern line of <br />said 4 acre tract of lan(3 South 8° 251 East a distance of 360 feet to the <br />Southeast corner of said 4 acre tract of lard on the high bluff bank of San <br />Leandro Creek;; thence along the high bluff banks of San Leandro Creek North <br />490 251 East a.distance of 73.77 feet to its intersection with a. line drawn <br />parallel to and distant 80 feet, _measured at right angles Easterly from the <br />Northern production of the Western line of Santa Clara Street; and thence <br />along said parallel line North 190 251 West a distance of 326.71 feet to the <br />place of beginning. <br />BLING Parcel Number 4 of the lands to be taken for the <br />opening and extending of Bancroft Avenue, as shown on Sheet Number 2 r f <br />that certain Map entitled, "Bancroft Avenue and Santa Clara Street Opening" <br />filed T'overaber 8, 1926 under Recorder's Series ho. W/94500 in the office <br />of the County Recorder of the County of Alameda. <br />