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n T <br />Tbit Jnbenture, Made this 6th day of January 1927 <br />isetween Manuel Rodrigues and Theresa Rodrigues,, his wife, <br />the part ies of the first part, and <br />City of San Leandro, a municipal corporation <br />the part y of the second part, <br />Witneggetb, that the said parties of the first part, for and in consideration of the <br />sum of TEN DOLLARS, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do grant, <br />bargain; sell and convey unto the said part y of the second part, and to its <br />hjH%WRs%igns forever, all that land with the appurtenances situate in the <br />City of San Leandro , County of Alameda <br />State of California, and particularly described as follows, to -wit: <br />BEGINNING at a point on the Northern <br />line of Warren Avenue at the Southeastern corner <br />of a lot of land now or formerly owned by Manuel <br />Rodriques, and running thence along said line of <br />1111arren Avenue South 700 351 West a distance of <br />Two feet to its intersection with the Southern <br />production of the Western line of Santa Clara <br />Street; thence along said Southern production <br />of the Western line of Santa Clara Street North <br />190 251 West a distance of One Hundred Sixty and <br />40/100'feet; thence North 700 351 East a distance <br />of Two feet to the Eastern line of said Lot of <br />land, and thence along the last mentioned line <br />South 190 251 East a distance of One Hundred Sixty <br />and 40/100 feet to the place of beginning. <br />BEING Parcel Number 26 of the lands to be <br />taken for the opening and extending of Santa Clara <br />Street as shown on Sheet Number 4 ,of that certain <br />Map entitled, "Bancroft Avenue and Sdnta Clara. <br />Street Opening", filed November 8, 1926, under <br />Recorder's Series Number W/94500, in the office of <br />the County Recorder of the County of Alameda. <br />in V itneog Wbertot, the said part ies of the first part ha ve hereunto set their <br />hand s and seal s the day and year first above written. <br />OAKLAND TITLE INSURANCE AND GUARANTY COMPANY, TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING, FIFTEENTH AND FRANKLIN STREETS, OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA <br />