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,f. <br />THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />RESOLUTION 110. 1489 N.S. <br />RESOLUTION ACCEPTING DEDIC aION OF LAND FOR STREET PURPOSES <br />TO BE IMCi'.N AS BANCROFT AVENUE. <br />WHEREAS: There has been presented to this Board of Trustees <br />certain deeds dated January b, 1927, to a strip of land Eighty <br />(80) feet in width more fully described in the said deeds to the <br />same executed to the city of San Leandro by A. K. Whitton, <br />John ++illiam Cooper, and Elsie R. Cooper (two deeds) Manuel C. <br />Gonsalves and Virginia Gonsalves; Nina A. Tate; E. B. Field and <br />E. D. Mendenhall; duly acknowledged by the respective parties there, <br />to, and delivered to the city of San Leandro on this day and date <br />and which conveys to said city of San Leandro said strip of land <br />for street purposes: <br />NOW TFL ,'FORE be it hereby RESOLVED that said deeds and the <br />lands therein described be and the same are hereby accepted by <br />said City of San Leandro, to be used for street purposes and to be <br />known as Bancroft Avenue; upon the condition subsequent, nevertheless, <br />that said street be improved at the expense of the parties making <br />said conveyances and dedications and without cost to the city of <br />San Leandro, in accordance vdth the specifications for said imrrovemEn t <br />and to the approval of the City Engineer °-:nd Superintendent of <br />Streets of said city of San Leandro. <br />Introduced by Trustee Miller this 17th dai of January 1927, <br />and thereupon adopted by the following called vot6: <br />'hichester <br />Ayes: Trustee Dalziel, Hall, Aliller, Landis (� <br />Noes: Trustees None <br />Absent: Trustees !one I <br />A,,rroved: January 17th, 1927 <br />(Signed) T' T a <br />President of said Board <br />of Trustees <br />Attest: <br />(Signed) :.F.Hutchings <br />CITY CLERK <br />I hereby certify that the above resolution is a true <br />and correct copy of Resolution No. 1489 N.S. as passed aid <br />adopted by the Board of Trustees of the City of San Leandro on <br />the 17th day of January 1927.lira <br />/ <br />�J <br />CI'2Y CLERK <br />