LB 35t500-8-28-(17920)
<br />r
<br />LOnN NOS. '1287
<br />43Prb of Partial rronueIjttnu
<br />94rrras, a portion of the indebtedness secured to be paid by the Deed of Trust executed by
<br />GF,O. 3GE...E, 5..._TRUjojV .- BOYf...... his wife.................................----.....------..................................
<br />to.................... F 4 WAXT _TBUST....CQ I. iiNY--..............................---.....................................
<br />a corporation, as Trustee, dated ..........,.... 1.92.$.......................and recorded.......IT rch 27_,..._1928
<br />in the office of the County Recorder of the County of........... al.a, wed ............. _............................... State of California, in
<br />Book.....17.4.$ ................. of .......... Offc.a.-_Records.,_.-..___--at page......_. 47..._.-.._..thereof, has been paid;
<br />�Tnro, �Ilrrrfarr,...........................................
<br />a corporation,
<br />Trustee, does hereby remise, release, and reconvey unto the saidBCI+'...and...AGNES.... TRUELOVE
<br />BOWE'l, his wife
<br />and assigns, without any warranty, all the estate and interest derived to it as Trustee, by or through said
<br />Deed of Trust, in that part of the lands situated in the County of .................._.. 4ameda....................................... I State of
<br />California, and therein described, together with the appurtenances, described as follows, to -wit:
<br />BEGI14NING at the most northern corner of that
<br />certain piece or parcel of land conveyed by ,Lda I. Wood—
<br />man, et. al. to George E. Bowen and Agnes Truelove Bowen,
<br />his wife, by deed dated June 25, 1920 and recorded July
<br />15, 1920 in Liber 2931 of Deeds at page 455, nlameda
<br />County Records; running thence Soatheasterly along the
<br />Northeastern boundary line of said land conveyed to George
<br />E. Bowen, et. al. 4.60 feet, more or less, to the South—
<br />eastern line of Begier "venue, as said revenue now exists;
<br />thence Southwesterly alonE- the direct extension South—
<br />westerly of said line of Begier ,,venue 57.80 feet, more
<br />or less, to the :southwestern boundary line of said land
<br />conveyed to George E. Bowen, et. al; thence Northwesterly
<br />aloaU the last named line 4.60 feet, more or less, to the
<br />Northwestern boundary line of said land conveyed to George
<br />E. Bowen, et. al; thence-4ortheasterly along the last named
<br />line 57.80 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning.
<br />au I�ttur Anb 0a Walb the same, without any warranty, unto the said..TRUEI:O.VE..-B01YXN.,_._ his wife_.
<br />and assigns forever.
<br />A is ijrrrbg expressly set out that this constitutes a partial reconveyance only and that the afore-
<br />said Deed of Trust remains in full force and effect with regard to the property therein described not
<br />particularly described in this reconveyance.
<br />.fin lu fnrss
<br />y,� 7
<br />' LC Td... TRUST---COi.i�......................... --...................... _........................... a corporation,
<br />strument to be executed and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed this
<br />of........Noyenber................................... 19..2B.-.
<br />