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DE ED lO?i <br />This Indenture, !Jade this :=2d day of October, 192F between <br />CEO. E. BOPJEII and AGUES T. B01VEN, his wife, both of San Leandro, <br />Ala.--eda county, California, the rRrt-, es of the first part, ay�-A <br />CITY OF BAN LEANDRO, a city of th*sth class, organized under <br />the general laws of the state of Cali fornia relating to municipal <br />c-orporations, the party of of 96c snd part <br />Witnesseth: that the said parties of the first part, for <br />and in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR, the receipt whereof <br />is hereby acknowledged, do grant, bargain, sell, and convey unto <br />the said party of the second part, and to its success ors and aesip�ns <br />forever, all that land with the arpurtenances situate in the city <br />of San Leandro, county of Alameda, state of California, and rarti- <br />cularl7T described as follo-.:-s, to wit: <br />BEGI1TUING on the northeastern line of East 14th wtreet <br />as now established, in said city of San Leandro, distant <br />thereon 332.50 feet R 300 55' 2C" E from its intersec- <br />tion with the southeastern line of Oakes Boulevard and <br />11 590 11' E a distance 324.64 feet to the westerly lire <br />of the land ot:rc,F by George and A. F. Bowen, and run- <br />ning thence 11 310 20' 17 a distance of 4.60 feet, thence <br />N 580 59' E 55.56 feet, thence S 310 20' E 4.60 feet, <br />thence S 560 59' W 55.56 feet to the point of beginning. <br />In Witness ti+'hereof, the said parties of the first part have <br />hereunto set their hands and seals the Fay and year first above <br />wr it ten. { <br />c _AL ) <br />STATE OF C AL I FORIIIA ) <br />s8. <br />COUNTY OF ILA: IMA ) <br />On this 22d. day of October, in the year 1928, bed re me, A. M <br />CARDEI;, a Notary Public, in and for the county of Alameda, state of <br />California, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, person- <br />ally appeared CEO. E. BOWEN and AGUES T. BO,VEN, known to me to be <br />,the persons described in and whose names are subscribed to the ,;-ith- <br />in instrument, and they acknowledged to me that they executed the <br />saLne. <br />In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my <br />official seal, at my office in said county, the eay and year in <br />this certificate first above written. <br />Notary Public in and for the county <br />of Alameda, state of California. <br />