<br />) U
<br />This Indenture, made this 1st day of October, 1929, between
<br />CHARLES H. HALE and M!,RI1TA A. HALE, his wife, both of "an Leandro,
<br />Alameda county, California, the parties of the first part, and
<br />CITY OF SAT1 L .�i:LRO, a city o.f the sixth class, orl�-anizee under
<br />the general laws of the state of California relating to municipal
<br />corporations, the party of the second part,
<br />Witnesseth' That the said parties of the first part, for and
<br />in consideration of the sum of FIFT=i d HUNDR M 111L T l DOLLARS,
<br />the receipt whereof is hereby acknolwedged, do F*rant, bargain,
<br />sell, and convey unto the said party of the second part, and to
<br />its succes�-ors and as,-igne forever, all that land with the appur-
<br />tenances situate in the city of San Leandro, county of Alameda,
<br />state of California, and particularly described as follo.-s, to vAt:
<br />BEGIT ,Ii;G at a point in the western line-- of ---
<br />described in the deed from Isabel -d. Toffelmier and I% V1. Toffel-
<br />inier, her husband, to Charles H. Hale, dated July 10, 1911 and
<br />recorded in Liber 1955 of Deeds, page 102, where the same would
<br />be intersected by the prolor_gati on easterly in a direct line of
<br />the northern line of Callan Avenue, as :said avenue is shown on
<br />teat certain mar. entitled, '1111ap of Huff Tract, San Leandro" etc.,
<br />filed July 9, 1912 in the office of the County Recorder of Alamera
<br />county; and running thence Soutb 190 25' East along the western
<br />line of said parcel of land 56.75 feet; thence `'outh 7C° 35' ^lest
<br />6/1 of a foot; thence North 19° <5 Fest 56.75 feet; an,,'t epee
<br />1-nr h 700 b51 East 6/10 of a foot to the point of beginning.
<br />Being a portion of that certain parcel of land marked "Reserved
<br />strip 0.60 foot wide" on the map of Huff Tract above referred to.
<br />Beginning at a point in the western line of the parcel of land
<br />described in the deed from Isabel '.1. Toffelmier and D. ?'. Toffel-
<br />mi er, her husband, to Charles H. Hale, dated July 10, 1911 and
<br />recorded in Liber 1955 of Deeds, pave 102, where the Game could
<br />be intersected by the prolongation easterly in a direct line of
<br />the northern line of Callan Avenue, as said avenue is shown on
<br />that certain Map entitled, "idap of Huff Tract, San Leandro" etc.,
<br />filed July 9, 1912 in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda
<br />c our.ty; running thence North 700 35' East 161L'.36 feet to the
<br />eastern .line of the cartel of land described in the Feed above
<br />referred to; thence South l9° 25 East 56.75 feet; thence
<br />South 700 35' West 162.36 feet; and . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
<br />