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*evdate <br />age executed by I:anuel Agrella Jr. and Mary <br />rella, his rife, Antone Agrella and Margaret <br />la, his wife, to John Franco, made to secure <br />t of Seventy-eight hundred (�"7800.00) Dollars, <br />ith interest etc., one year after date,to the terms of a certain Promissory Note of <br />rith said Mortgage, and also as security for <br />further advances, dated April 16th 1919 and recorded :pril <br />17th 1919 in Liber 1151 of I�ortgages, pate 258. <br />(Covers other property also) <br />Note: The Title of vestees was derived through Deed from <br />C. Christensen, a widower, dated Earth 24th 1914 and recorded <br />March 30th 1914 in Liber 2229 of Deeds, pare 320, wherein the <br />Grantor also covers to Grantee the use of Streets between <br />said Blocks and known as Juana and Ramon Streets". <br />Sand Gp ntor• reserves from the operation of said Deed <br />all Buildings located on said premises including Tank House <br />with hirht of Removal of same from prer,•,ises. <br />TAX STATEMENT <br />State and County taxes up to and including the fiscal <br />year 1920-21 have been paid, except as follows <br />State and County 1920-21 1st instinit 1 r36.25 due and payable <br />1920-21 2nd instlmt ;,�'33.35 payable <br />(Covers other property also) <br />San Leandro Official records not examined. <br />2. <br />