<br />DOLtt�g
<br />THIS I141)E TUr.F,Lade this `=U day of December, in the year Nine-
<br />teen Eund.ree n.nd Twenty, between YANUFL AGRELLA Jr. end VARY
<br />KATHF.RINE AGRELLA, h. i e wife , AN TONE AGRKLLA and. YARGAR� T ��
<br />AG.,hie wife, of the City of San Leandro, Count; of Alameda,
<br />I
<br />Strite of Ca.lifornia,p-+rties of the first part,a.nd the :CITY OT
<br />SAt� L] ANLRO,e municipal corporation,of Alameda County,State of
<br />California., the party of the second part, I/
<br />WITNESSETN,thet the said parties of the first part,for and in
<br />consi6era.tion of the stun of ;.seventeen Hundrec and Fifty (61750. )
<br />dollprs,in Gold Coin of the United States of America,to them in
<br />haled peid by the party of the 9PRnd part at or before the en.-
<br />:ea.line and delivery of these presente,the receipt whereof iv
<br />hereby ackncwledged.,have granted,berga.ined,pold,and conveyed,
<br />and by these preFents do grant,hargain,sell and convey unto the
<br />said party of the second part,and to its successorq vnd aseignq
<br />forever,All those certain lotF,piecpe or parcels of la.nd,eitua.te
<br />lying end being; in the City of San Leandrq County of .Alsmeda,, State
<br />of Ca.lifornia,a..nd bounded and particularly described as follows: -
<br />BEING the Northwestern Seventy Seven and one half (77j) feet of
<br />Lots Lettered "A","A",Pnc "C" in Block No.34 and hot Lettered
<br />"A" in Block 1To.35,P.9 reid Lots end Block are delineated and
<br />designated upon that certain Yap entitled "YAP OF THE TOWY OF SAN
<br />LEAITLRO"etc.,filed Februe.ry 27th. I855 in Liber I of Yapv,pPge
<br />I9, i.n the Office of the County Recorder of said Alameda County.
<br />Together with all and singul;.r the tenemente,hereditanents
<br />and appurtenances tYereuntc belonging or in P.nywise appertain-
<br />ing,and the reversion and reversions,r.emainder and remainders,
<br />rents,issues and profits thereof. And also all the esta.te,ri ht,
<br />ti.tle.,interest,possession,claini and dAirFnd whatsoever as well
<br />in law as in equity of the said parties of the first part,of,in,
<br />or to the above described premisaes,snd every part or parcel
<br />thereof with the appurtenances.
<br />To have and to hold,all and. singular the above mentioned and
<br />