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THIS ILBE TUREjlade the — day of December, in trip yerr 1920, <br />between J0121 FPAPiCO,and T.ARY FE.ANCO,his wi.fe,of the City of Ssn <br />Leandro, County of Alamede.,StPte of CaliforniH,pa.rtie.s of the Aim <br />first pa.rt,and. YANUEL AGRELLA Jr. end. 17ARY KATFERINE, AGRELLA,hie <br />wife,AltsTONE AGRELLA end YAn'GARET GAPNET AGRELLA his wife,of <br />esid city country and etate,partier of the second -past, '7 <br />WITNESSETH,Wherear raid prrtieg of the secondpart,bry indenture <br />of mortgage bearing date the I6th day of April I9I9,a.nd recordHd <br />in the Office of the Country Recorder of Alameda Country,State of <br />Ce,lifornin,on the I7th day of April IgIa,ir Liber II5I of Port- <br />gagee,at ppge 258,6ie,for the consideration and fr the purpose <br />therein mentioned ,rr:ortgege the prernieer therein d.eQcribed; <br />And whereas the said parties of the second part h.Pve,on the <br />day and date of there prevent -:!,paid to the rfid parties of the <br />first part the sum of Two Thousand dollars ($2000.00) gold coin <br />of the United States of AmPrics,pert of the money recured by the <br /> Pforer-tiid,se therein specified; <br />Nov therefore thie indenture witnesfseth:- ThPt the said par - <br />tier of the first part,in coneid.eration of the premises and the <br />esid sum of Two ThouQand ( 2C0C.CC',duly paid to the <br />raid parties of the fi rFt. pr.rt by the said psrtieF of the second <br />part,r.t the time of the ensealing and delivery of thecae presents <br />the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged , coo by these prerentB <br />grrnt,reler.ce,quitclaim,and set over unto the raid parties of <br />the second part,their heirs bnd assigne,all that pert of the <br />said mortge.ged property bounded and deecri bed as followr, to -wit: <br />All that cartain niece o percel of land lying and bean in <br />tre City of Sen Leandro, Country of Alameda, State of California, <br />And. deecribed " follows,to-wit:- <br />BE114G 6-he Northivertern Seventy-seven and One half (77j) fAet <br />of Lotc Lettered "A", "D",a.nd "C" in Alonk No.34, and Lot Lettered <br />a <br />