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EXHIBIT A <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />9?3CZ) 8006 <br />JOB No. N0776.92 <br />April 14,1993 <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF <br />PROPERTY TO BE QuITC:.AIMED TO THE CITY OF S;UN LEANDRO <br />All that real property situate in the City of San Leandro, County <br />of Alameda, State of California, being more particularly described <br />as follows: <br />BEGINNING at the most northerly corner of above said Parcel 2 of <br />Series No. 82-135864; <br />thence, along the easterly line of said Parcel 2, being a cur -re to <br />the left concave to the northeast with a radial line <br />bearing S 55013155" W, having a radius of 70.00 feet, <br />through a central angle of 1800613311, an arc length of <br />22.13 feet to the southeasterly corner of said Parcel 2; <br />thence, along the southerly line of said Parcel 2, S 70459/02" W, <br />973.29 feet, to the most southerly corner of said Parcel 2; <br />thence, along the westerly line of said Parcel 2, N 19 ° 00, 58" W, 70 <br />feet, more or less, to intersect the southerly line of the <br />property described in the Deed to the City of San Leandro <br />as recorded March 10, 1952 in Book 6685 at page 444, <br />Alameda County Records; <br />thence, along the southerly line of last said property, 963 feet, <br />more or less, to the POINT OF BEGI_-NNING. <br />Containing,, 38,530 square feet, more of less. <br />CD �. ; ten by of under the supervision of <br />-res "� P.L.S. 620j <br />41f4-(? 3 <br />LD 93-5 <br />DWG 1239 Case 1602 <br />Davis St. Extension Westerly to <br />EBRPO Lands <br />Oakland Scavenger Co. <br />APN 79A-475-7-12 <br />3ua. t . is <br />