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DESCPiPTION OF THE PROPERTY COVERED BY THIS POLICY OF 1NSUPANCE <br />ALL that lot of land situated in the City of <br />San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, and <br />described as follows, to -wit: <br />Beginning at a point on the Eastern line <br />of "oodlaz,n Avenue, distant the _,eon worth 8° 34' "est, 307 <br />feet from the point of intersection of the said Eastern <br />lire of Woodlawn Avenue i^.,.th the Yorthern line of Davis <br />Court; running thence North 8° 34' ylost, 50 feet; th-nee <br />worth 810 26' r,ast, 201.50 feet; thence South 8° 34' East, <br />50 feet; thence South 810 26' Nest, 201.50 feet to the <br />point of beginning. <br />Being a port'on of that 17 acre tract of <br />lane?. conveyed by Lizzie t,,cCarthy, a widow, to A. S. Weaver <br />and J. E. Faustina, by need dated August 23, 1019 and re- <br />corded in book 2788 of Deeds, at page 284, Alameda Coimty <br />Records. _ — <br />i" <br />i <br />