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D E E D <br />0 <br />° We, the undersigned, J. E. FAUSTINA and HILDA E,FAUSTINA, <br />p his wife, and A. S . WEAVER and ELMASINEA vDR, his wife, all <br />D residents of the amity of San Leandro, County of Alatleda and State <br />of California, for value received, <br />Do hereby grant Tinto the CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, a municipal <br />corporation, for street purposes, <br />/ All that certain real property situate in the City of San <br />Leandro, County of Alameda, State of ualifornia, and particularly <br />described, as follows, to -wit: - <br />FIRST: Beginning at the intersection of the center line of <br />County Road ..o. 1513, commonly known as Dutton Avenue, with the <br />westerly boundary line of that certain 17 acre tract of land con- <br />veyed by Lizzie McCarthy, a widow, to A. o. iieatrer and J. E. <br />Faustina by deed dated August 23ra, 1919 and recorded in book 2788 <br />of deeds at page 284 Alar.eda County Records and running thence <br />along the center line of Dutton Avenue North 740 18' 10" East <br />457.04 feet to its intersection with the e=Asterly boundary line of <br />the above mentioned 17 acre tract of land; thence along the last <br />mentioned boundary line South 8 34' East 30.23 feet, thence along <br />a line drawn parallel to and distant 5.25 feet, measured at right <br />angles, southerly from thg southerly line of County Road No. 1513, <br />and which is also parallel to ana distant 30 feet, measured at <br />rig�it angles, southerly from the center line of Dutton Avenue or <br />County Ruad No. 1513, South 740 18' 10" West 457.04 feet to its <br />intersection with the westerly boundary line of the above <br />mentioned 17 acre tract of land and thence along the last <br />mentioned boundary line North 80 341 West 30.13 feet to the place <br />of beginning, to be known as Dutton Avenue and hereby granted for <br />the purpose of widening said Avenue and for the use of the said <br />City 04' San Leandro and the public for street purposes, only. <br />r <br />SECOND: Beginning at a point or. the southerly line of Dutton <br />Avenue, as said Avenue is now widened, distant thereon, 186.20 feet <br />North 74° let 10" East from its intersection with the westerly <br />boundary line of the hereinabove described 17 acre tract of land <br />and running thence southeasterly on the are of a curve to the right <br />with a radius of 10 feet, and the chord of which bears South 570 <br />07' 55" East; a distance of 16.95 feet; thence South 80 34' Eas� <br />1354.30 feet; thence North 810 26' East 56 feet, thence North 8 <br />341 West 1363.80 feet; thence northeasterly on the arc of a curve <br />to the right with a radius of 10 feet, and the chord of which <br />bears North 320 52' 05" East; a distgnce of 14.46 feet to the <br />southerly line of Dutton Avenue, as now widened, and thence along <br />the last mentioned line South 74° 18, 10" West 76.60 feet to the <br />place of beginning, to be known as Woodland avenue and hereby <br />granted for the use of the said uity of San Leandro and the public <br />for street purposes only. <br />A <br />THIRD: Beginning at the southeasterly corner of the strip of <br />land tzereinabove described as Woodland avenue and running thence <br />North 810 26' East 130 feet; thence South 8° 34' East 56 feet, <br />thence South 810 26' West 335 feet; thence i4orth 80 34' Weest 56 feet <br />and thence North 810 26' East 205 feet to the place of beginning, to <br />be known as "Davis Court" and hereby granted for the use of the said <br />City of San Leandro and the public for street purposes only. <br />-1- <br />