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FOURTH: Beginning at the intersection of the northerly <br />line of Haas Avenue with. the westerly boundary line of the here- <br />inabove described 17 acre tract of lard and running along <br />the easterly production of the northerly line of Naas Avenue <br />1,orth 810 26' East 196 feet to its intersection with. the <br />westerly line of the hereinabove described Woodland Avenue; thence <br />along the said westerly line of Woodland Avenue South 80 34' <br />East 50 feet to its intersection with the easterly productior <br />of th.e southerly line of Haas Avenue; thence along th.e last <br />mentioned line South 610 261 West 196 feet to the westerly <br />boundary line of the above mentioned 17 acre tract of land and <br />thence along the last mentioned boundary lire North 80 54' West <br />50 feet to the place of beginning, to be known as Naas Avenue <br />and hereby granted for the use of the said City of San Lear dro <br />and the public for street purposes only. <br />WITITSS our signatures this 23d day of July 192D. <br />