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DEED <br />This Indenture, made this 30th day of March, 1931, between <br />ALICE M. KEANE, a widow, THO-AS J. KEANE, a single man; JAMS p. <br />KEANE, a single man; WILLIAM E. KE ,1q'E and FRIEDA KEANE, his wife, <br />and AMY G. PEPPIN and GUY PEPPIN, her husband, the parties of the <br />first part, and CITY OF SAN LIA1ZRO, a municipal corporation of <br />the Sixth Class, the party of the second part, <br />Witnesseth, that the said parties of the first part, for and <br />in consideration of the sum of THIRTEEN HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-FIVE <br />AND N0/100 DOLLARS, the receipt °rrheredf is hereby acknowledged, <br />do grant, bargain, sell, and convey unto the said party 6f the <br />second part, its successors and assigns forever, all that land <br />with the appurtenances situate in the city of San Leandro, county <br />of Alameda, state of California, and particularly described as <br />follovis, to wit: <br />BEGINNING at a point on the western line of Lewis Avenue <br />distant thereon 6 feet North 70 18' 40" East from its <br />intersection with the northerly line of Lot 23 of "Dutton <br />Manor, Alameda county, California," as shown on a map <br />thereof filed January 26 1912 in Book 26 of maps at <br />page 67, Alameda County records, and running thence along <br />the western line of said Lewis Avenue North 7° 18' 40" <br />East 50 feet, thence North 820 41T 209 West 123 feet, <br />thence South 7° 18' 40" West 50 feet; thence South <br />82° 41' 20 Eaat 123 feet to the place of beginning, and <br />being a portion of Lot 24 of said "Dutton Manor". <br />In Witness Whereof, the said parties of the first part have <br />hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above <br />written. <br />SEAL) <br />(SEAL) <br />(SEAL) <br />(S&-L) <br />(SEAL) <br />✓2� l -(SEAL) <br />(SZ,'-L ) <br />