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n <br />xbiz 3inbenture, Made this 9tii day of November, 1938 <br />joetbjeeti CHAP.LES HAUSCHILDT, single, ALMA HAUSCHILDT, single, <br />and DAISY G. HAUSCHILDT, a 1--1dow, a-s joint tenants <br />the part'- of the first part, and <br />The City of S,n Le,­nJro, a Municipal Corporation <br />the part -, of the second part, <br />ZQ�itneg�etlj, that the said part'. of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of <br />TEN DOLLARS, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do grant, <br />bargain, sell and convey unto said part,, of the second part, and to i t c successors <br />-hcks and assigns forever, all that land with the appurtenances situate in the <br />II City of San L-� <br />County of Alameda, <br />State of California, and particularly described as follows, to -wit: <br />Beginning at a point on the Nortr,��-:estern line of that <br />cert..-.,in parcel of land described in that cert,-in deed hereinafter <br />referred to, said point being; on the Southwestern line of <br />East 14th Street as said street now exists and runninU t1ience <br />SoutheaFJterly alonU said South-,es-cern line of &-st 14th Street, <br />a distance of 305.58 feet, more or less, to a point on the <br />Soutlieiastern ounda.ry line of the City of S�,n Leandro, as <br />ssi:L boundary now exists; t_ience Southv,,esterly along seid <br />Southeastern boun(f.Pry li,ie of the City of San Leandro, South <br />420 011 3011 West 17.00 feet; tAence Northi7 esterly and leaving <br />said boundar,- ling of said City of S�:n Leandro to the point <br />Being a portion of that certain piece or parcel of lend <br />described in that certElin deed recorded in V)lume 3520 of <br />Official Records of Alameda:. County, ~a.lifornia, at page 56, <br />to be used for the purposes of the widening; of East 14th <br />Street on the Southwestern boundary line thereof. <br />To have and to hold all and singular the said premises, together with the appur- <br />tenances, sorso the <br />said part of the second part, and tosqcc <br />assigns forever. <br />3n Witnto Wbereuf, the said part of the first part ha,-- hereunto set <br />handaand seals the day and year first above written. <br />Z-geaA- . .�- <br />",4a� z <br />a\ - /) -a o <br />Oakland Title Insurance and Guaranty Company, Title Insurance Building, Fifteenth and Franklin Streets, Oakland, California <br />