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Liber 6457 of Official Records, page 304, leases the land hereinafter <br />describea and other property, for an automobile camp and farming <br />purposes fort he term of five years commencing April 15, 1937 and <br />ending April 14, 1942. Said lease contains an option to purchase the <br />property described therein. Reference is hereby made to said lease and <br />the recora thereof for full particulars. <br />3- Right of Way in favor of Joe S. Joseph and Rose S. <br />Joseph, his wife, to pass over a tract of land of which the property <br />hereinafter described forms a part, for the purpose of ingress and <br />egress to and from a certain. 2.838 acre tract of land situated in the <br />rear of said tract of land, as disclosed by instrument dated April 13, <br />1937 and recorded April 16, 1937 in Liber 1.457 of Officical :records, <br />page 304. <br />4- Option to Purchase the land hereinafter described and <br />other property made by Daisy G. Hauschildt, Alma Hauschildt, and Charles <br />Hauschildt, first parties, in favor of Joseph 16. Lenton and henrietta M. <br />Denton, second parties, dated July _, 1937 and recorded September 24, <br />1937 in Liber 3530 of Official 1ecords, page 203. Said option_ contains <br />the proviso that should said first parties find a purchaser for that <br />portion of said property lying within the limits of the City of San <br />Leandro and consisting of approximately six acres prior to the <br />expiration of the lease hereinabove referred to as Exception 2, said <br />first parties are given the right to sell said portion, and said <br />second parties hereby release said portion from the effect of said <br />option in the event such sale can be consumated. <br />DESCRIPTIOId OF THE. PROPERTY COVERED BY THIS POLICY OF INSURAT,CE <br />All that lot of land situated in the City of San <br />Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, and described as <br />follows, to-W1-t3--- — - - -- <br />Beginning at a point on the Northwestern line of that <br />certain parcel of land described in that certain deed hereinafter <br />referred to, said point being on the Southwestern line of East 14th <br />Street, as said street now exists and running thence Southeasterly <br />along said Southwestern line of East 14th Street, a distance of 305.58 <br />feet, more or less, to a point on the Southeastern boundary line of the <br />City of San Leandro, as said. boundary now exists; thence Southwesterly <br />along said Southeastern boundary line of the City of San Leandro, <br />South 42° Olt 30" �1�est 17.00 feet; thence Northwesterly and leaving <br />said boundary line of said City of San Leandro to the point of beginning. <br />Being a portion of that certain piece or parcel of land <br />described in that certain deed recorded in Volume 3520 of Cfficial Records <br />of Alameda County, California, at page 56, to be used for the purposes of <br />the widening of East 14th Street on the Southwestern boundary line thereof. <br />