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BEFORE THL CITY COUNCIL OF '"'; G ITY OF :BAN L&ANDRO <br />R.LSOLUT ION NO.1-10 C . M . S . <br />Ri�,.>OLUT ION APPROVING AND ACCEPTING THE DEED AND TILL T ITLL <br />TO CERTAIN LAND THr;RE IN D"SCH IBLD . <br />WHEREAS, under date of November 9, 1938, Charles <br />Hauschildt, single; Alma Hauschildt, single, and Daisy G. <br />Hauschildt, a widow, ae joint tenants, PARTIES Or TFL� FIRST PART <br />submitted to the City of San Leandro, a Municipal Corporation, <br />PARTY OF THL SECOND PART, a deed transferring the title of the <br />property hereinafter described, to the City of Van Leandro, and, <br />WH.cR.i:AS, the property so transferred and descrited in <br />said deed is described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the Northwestern line of that <br />certain parcel of lend described in that certain deed <br />hereinafter referred to, said point being on the South- <br />western line of z:ast 14th street as said street novf exists <br />and running thence Southeasterly along; said Southwestern <br />line of .mast 14th 6treet, a distance of 305.58 feet, more <br />or less, to a point on the outheastt:rn boundary line of <br />the City of Lan Leandro, .,outh 420 01' 30" West 17.00 feet; <br />thence Northwesterly and leaving said boundary line of <br />said City of an Leandro to the point of beginning. <br />Being a portion of that certain Niece or parcel of land <br />described in that certain deed recorded in Volume 3520 of <br />Official records of Alameda. County, California, at page 56, <br />to be used for the purposes of the widening of Last 14th <br />:street on the Southviest�.rn boundary line thereof. <br />NOW T 0OR.6, be it resolved that the said deed and <br />the title to the property therein described, be and is hereby <br />accepted. <br />Introduced by Councilmern <br />and passed and adopted this Wienty-first day of November, 1�38 <br />by the following call vq_te. <br />AUS : C OUNC II.X--z"4 cJ� <br />NOy►:; : CUUNCILH�:N ���"�' <br />ABSENT. COUNCILS <br />Approved: iYA,� a• <br />Attest, <br />o- of the City o San Leandro <br />