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Deed executed by DA�TITM BEST to CITY OF SAuT Ui� DRO, a munici- <br />pal corporation, dated November 30th, 1917, xid recorded TTovember <br />30th, 1917 in Liber 2605 of Deeds, r t -oace 307, Alarnede. County Records. <br />Deed executed by C. L. BUST, et .1, to CIT"i OF S_A'N IZHIANDRO, a <br />municipal corporation, dated Dece::lber 12th, 1917, and recorded <br />J� December 13th, 1917 in Liber 2618 of Deeds, wt Da ge 212, ,Alameda <br />Count* Records. <br />Deed exec:Aed b-r ITARY AGITT?S GLr�ASOT to CITY OF Al LEANDRO, a <br />municipal corporation, dated November 23d, 1917, and recorded <br />iTovember 30t;-i, 1917 in Liber 2605 of Deeds, at p-,ge 307, Alvxneda <br />County Records. <br />Deed execiited by ':iARIA G. AVELLAR to CIiY OF SAI LEAZTDRO, a, <br />municipal corporation, &tted iTovember 28th, 1917, and recorded <br />Ilovernber 30th, 1917 in Tiber 2620 of Deeds, at page 202, Alameda <br />County Records. <br />Deed executed by G ORGIITA BRAGA to CITY OF SAIT LF�A-?DRO, a <br />municiP.-�1 corporation, dated Decen'per 5th, 1917, and recorded <br />December 6tri, 1917 in Liber 2606 of Deeds, at pELge 242, Alameda <br />County Records. <br />Deed executed by S. C. GIBSOIT, et �A.1, to CITY Or SAT LEAI:TDRO, <br />/ a municipal corporation, dated December 8th, 1917, and recorded <br />�= December loth, 1917 in Liber 2627 of Deeds, at p&,ge 150, Alameda. <br />Counl�r Records. <br />Deed executed by GIULIA.ITO A1TGELI to Clrir OF SALT MAJIDRO, a <br />municipal corp0'rau on, &,ted December Gth, 1917, and recorded <br />Dace:riber 8t,-i, 1917 in Liber 2604 of Deeds, at page 434, Alaneda <br />County Records. <br />0uitclaim Deed execrated by T +'TTRY Z. JOITES, et al, to CI'Lf <br />OF SAT LE ITDRO, w m?.inicipe-1 coreoration, dated iTovember 28th, 1917, <br />o�' U and recorded Dece.ber 12t11, 1917 in Liber 2627 of Deeds, 'at page <br />157, Alameda County Records. <br />Deed executed by MITRY Z. JOITLS, et G,1, to CIlff OF SAIT LHAITDRO, <br />a manic ipwl c orporz,.t ion, dated Decel fiber 12th, 1917 , and recorded <br />December 12th, 1917 in Liber 2637 of Deeds, at �age lc, Alameda <br />County Records. <br />Deed executed by DAiTIII,,L BE'S'' to C rrr,,- OF SAIT LEAITDRO, a munic- <br />i,Dal corporation, d.:,.ted November30th, 1917, and recorded Wove?�:�!ber <br />1 j 30th, 1917 in Liber 2605 of Deeds, at page 306, Alameda County <br />='.--cords . <br />q?:titclaim Deed exec toed by T'LORA V. -IDER, et al, to CIIT.r • OF <br />SAJT ,A Decenber��13th,r1917tinnLiberea637vof,oDeedscl etg17 <br />-oage <br />and recorded <br />17, Alameda County Records. <br />Deed executed by JACOI� GOSgj�% et - 1, to CIrT OF SAT LEAI DRO, <br />cL Trillrlicli)c:l coi;iorcation dated Noveiroer 30ti1, 1917, i"' i recorded <br />December 12th, 1917 in Liber 2630 of Deeds, at page 46, Alameda <br />mb <br />C ount.y Records. <br />-2- <br />